Physical Principles and the Foundation of

The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.

Max Planck







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We present in here a never used blueprint of a mathematically modeled theoretical foundation
of the origin and evolution of Nature from a single underlying principle.


Planck on science advancement


0. Motivation

1. On the Impasse of Classical Physics as Recognized by Werner Heisenberg
and TRUTON's Response

2. Trutonism: The Philosophical Doctrine of TRUTON

3. On Transphysicals Distances and Frames of Refernces Concepts
with emphasis on
          Space and Time Mental Concepts VS. the Nonsensical Spacetime Concept

4. On Prina --the Preexistent State of Nature

5. On Energy, Mass and the Formation of the Embryonal Nature

6. On the Ultimate Physical Law of Nature

7. Spin as the Primal Regulator and Tool of Creation

8. On Evolution and its Fundamental Characteristics of Existence

9.The Xenofluid as the Environmental Material Medium of Nature            

10. The Primeval Particles of Nature

11. Pulsagons with Their Opposed Primal Imprints: Gravity and the Caloric Heat
And as the Engine of Star Formation

11A. Galaxy Formation and Their Spinning Charactheristic

12. Atoms, Their Nucleus and Electron Configuration

13. Chemical Element Classification (CEC)

00. Outlook: Present and Future




Minds are like parachutes: they work only when open ...


Kalman Klim Brattman's project


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Kalman Klim Brattman's project


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