The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
4. On Prena --the Preexistent State of Nature

The object of TRUTON is to study Nature, from its inception, within the general context of its existence. In TRUTON, the existence and the properties of Nature's objects are independent of our own existence. Arguments of how we see or perceive the objects of Nature have no place in TRUTON. Imaginary objects or representations that can be produced entirely by our given Brain be they dreams, illusions, beliefs, or various perceptions are all outside of the realm of the TRUTON studies.

In TRUTON, all the objects describing various aspects of Nature are residing, as stated, outside of our own existence and are called non-imaginary objects. Our own sense perception existence or believes can never ever be used in any of our arguments or illustrations describing Nature. In TRUTON, the only thing that we have at our disposal is our cultivated Common Sense and, as in Mathematics, our cultivated Rational Deductive Reasoning.

Before we begin with our study of Nature, we, of course, need to define it! Questions like,

What is Nature?, What is its primeval format?, Does Nature has an origin and, if so, what that origin could be? or Is there a primeval agent that created and developed Nature?, or Is there a direction or an end for Nature's development?

were some of the questions that have consumed humanity from antiquity to present.

Out of that mental turmoil, Religion was born --that massive speculative undertaking of the human mind that evolved to incorporate not only a system of beliefs but also to be associated with specific cultural, moral and ethic systems vested in a specific lifestyle that purportedly was reflective of the universal laws governing Nature and the Cosmos.

A staggering number of such self-proclaimed religious systems evolved. Some scholars now estimate to exist some 4200 organized religions in the world. Arts associated with Religion (be they in music, sculpture, painting, architecture, pottery, or poetry and literature), and referred as sacred arts, produced a dazzling array of magnificent masterworks unparalleled in their beauty, splendor, and their vast variety. Their indelible addition to the human cultural heritage is truly spectacular and beyond dispute. What has been disputed has been the various religious dogmas that they were subjugated to carry or reflect.

The development of science continuously has been in a collision course with their respective religious dogmas. That collision course chiseled and continue to chisel the development of our ever evolving civilization and understanding of the natural physical laws governing Nature and our place in it.

Cosmology, as a science and a branch of Astronomy --the oldest science of Nature, had the task to entertain those very issues that gave birth to Religion. A number of cosmological models, throughout several centuries, emerged --all based however on "scientific" speculations that nevertheless were speculations that were interpreted to support some scientific physical observations.

The latest such speculative cosmological model that represents the current prevailing cosmological view is vested in the so-called Big-Bang cosmological model that considers that a point of infinite mass, density and temperature --willy-nilly-- exploded somewhere somehow generating the perceived expansion of the Universe we know. This newly almost universally embraced cosmological model since 1970s was first proposed in 1927 by the Belgian priest turned scientist Georges Lemaitre. His speculative cosmological views were cemented two years letter, in 1929, with the discovery of Edwin Hubble that the galaxies and quasars around us appear to be redshifted as if they were running away from each other and interpreted as the observational proof that the cosmic space itself, and thus that the Universe itself, expands.

To account how from a homogeneous point-mass, a non-homogeneous Universe could emerge, additional speculations were added over the years making that path of speculations over speculations no different than the speculative path of Religion. Of course, no mention was made whether or not the presumed Big-Bang explosion was an out-of-the-blue singular isolated event leading to the creation of our Universe OR whether, in fact, that Big-Bang is part of a "natural" system of such explosions leading up to the creations of other universes similar to ours.



In TRUTON, as outlined in a
previous page, we follow to the letter the method employed by Mathematics in discovering new things. Our start in TRUTON is identical to the one employed in Mathematics. A System of Axioms found, say, in Geometry is being replaced in TRUTON with the most general simplest primeval physical system that our cultivated Mind can conceive to exist. Out of that given most general simplest primeval foundation, using our rational deductive reasoning, and nothing else, we shall attempt to reconstruct the birth and the development of Nature --an entity yet to be defined. The existence of our Universe should emerge as one of the many universes that are populating Nature.

All formations and phenomena in TRUTON are straightforward consequences derived from our rational deductive reasoning and nothing else. No willy-nilly events, such as the speculated Big-Bang event, will ever be part of TRUTON. The creation of events and phenomena in TRUTON will have no mystical connotations of any sort as they will be the result of logical inferences identical to how results and discoveries are achieved in Mathematics. In a nutshell, this is the blueprint of TRUTON that we shall attempt to follow.

We call Prena (pN) the given preexistent state of Nature that must represent the most general simplest physical system that our cultivated Mind can conceive to exist.
. We begin with our identification of Prena by seeking to identify the primeval given ingredients that should exist in Prena. Because they are given ingredients, their origin cannot be questioned in a meaningful manner similar as we can cannot question, in a meaningful way, the primeval elements employed in Mathematics.

In TRUTON, fostering the stated method of Mathematics and adding to it our cultivated Common Sense, we define now a given primeval entity as an entity whose origin cannot be questioned in a meaningful way and which, in addition, is satisfying these three (3) basic conditions:
  i) its state of existence is the simplest conceivable state and hence its state cannot be reduced into a more simpler state --the bottom-line requirement;
 ii) its state of existence cannot be derived from anything else --the inception requirement; and,
iii) its state of existence is unique --the uniqueness requirement.
Armed with that understanding, let us begin looking for TRUTON's given primeval ingredients.


1. On the Given Primeval Ingredients (Prings)

We begin with this bottom-line primeval inquiry by asking this simple, but rather fundamental question:

In physical terms, what is the absolute simplest structure that a domain or a volume can have?

AVA To this, one may respond with the trivial answer that the simplest physical structure is no structure at all, i.e., that the domain be physically unstructured. The absolute vacuum (AVA) therefore is the most trivial candidate.

But now, let's say that someone else will intervene in that discussion, stating that we may conceive as an equally good answer that of "filling up" the respective volume with a material continuum that has in fact a given finite, constant, non-zero, material density whose value can only be increased through compression, but it can never be decreased. We call that unilateral elastic continuum substance that can only be compressed, but not decompressed, the xenobase (XB) and add, that it has the lowest non-zero material density that could exist.

That xenobase (XB) substance, as defined, satisfies all three conditions of a given entity. Indeed, the first two conditions are straightforward and, for the proof of its uniqueness characteristic, see it below:

   Proof of the Uniqueness of the Xenobase (XB) state:

To prove the uniqueness of the xenobase (XB), we resort at the classical method employed in Mathematics called in Latin "Reductio ad Absurdum" ('Reduction to the Absurd' or 'Proof by Contradiction') where we assume that the contrary is true and using deductive reasoning, we reach an absurdity.

We begin by assuming that XB is not unique i.e., that there are, say, two independent XB-blocks, XB1 and XB2, whose respective densities d1 and d2 , are different say d1<d2. As we begin squishing the XB1-block to increase its density d1 in an attempt to reach the value of d2 , the XB1-block transforms into a xenofluid (XF) block loosing therefore its XB-state. The uniqueness of the XB-state is firmly established as one, and only one, lowest material density can be associated with the XB-state.



[By the way, we have called that rather strange continuum that only can be compressed but not decompressed the xenobase (XB), noting now that "xeno" in Greek means "strange." The "xeno" prefix will be associated with other "strange" primary entities.]

HOLCombining those two answers with respect to the simplest structure a physical domain can have, we arrive at the most general simplest physical structure of a domain that is a xenobase mass with holes of absolute vacuum (AVA) in it, called holeons (HOLs), denoted also with Øs, as in a sponge or a Swiss-cheese block (figure at left). We call an object or block with that structure the --baseholon (bHL) which represents indeed the most general simplest physical structure that could exist at the base level (BALE) state of existence.

Thus, a baseholon (bHL) is a xenobase (XB) mass with absolute vacuum (AVA) holes in it. That bHL, by being the simplest most general structure of a mass, is the starting material "fabric" of TRUTON.

BALEThe two ingredients, the xenobase (XB) and absolute vacuum (AVA), are satisfying all three conditions as of being given primeval entities and, as such, they are said to represent the primeval given ingredients. No other base level (BALE) ingredient our cultivated Mind could conceive and, as such, baseholons (bHLs) are the most general simplest entities to be found at the BALE state of existence.

upaThose two primeval BALE ingredients, XB and AVA, can coexist and be associated side by side as they preserve their respective identities. And that is because there is no physical process that can convert one into another. As such, their association, called the ultimate primeval association (upa), represents the most general simplest structure that a domain or volume can have. We mark that pivotal recognition, transcending from Mind into the study of Nature, through
The First Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (1st UTPOT):
On the Ultimate Primeval Association (UPA)

The xenobase (XB) and the absolute vacuum (AVA) are the ultimate given entities that can be conceived to exist in Prena. They represent the ultimate given constituents whose association form the ultimate primeval asociation (upa).

.1. We call prematter (pM) the substance made of upa, i.e., the admixture of the xenobase (XB) and the absolute vacuum (AVA) and write this symbolically as follows: pM={XBAVA}. In there, the xenobase (XB) is the material component of prematter while the absolute vacuum (AVA) is its non-material component.
.2. We call premass (pM) a block (or body) of prematter that contains in it its material XB-component.

With the introduction of prematter (pM) and of the baseholons (bHLs), the picture of Prena begins to emerge: bHL and XB blocks surrounded by the limitless void that is the absolute vacuum (AVA).
Is that the
most general picture of Prena that we could conceive to exist?
, the answer is NO because up to this point, we have considered Prena to be in a static state. For a most general scenario, we need to introduce a given preexisting primeval motion for its baseholons (bHLs). And the simplest motion that can be conceived to exist is the scattered random linear translatory (LITRA) motion of constant speed. The static state of rest is the particular case of LITRA when that constant is null.

And that simple, but rather fundamental, recognition that the stationary state of rest, is in fact a particular case of a linear translatory (LITRA) motion of constant speed was perhaps first recognized by Isaac Newton who, in his seminal Principia, placed as his First Law Of Motion (FLOM) this proposition:

"Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it." [underline supplied].

With this, we now recognize that the random LITRA, by being the simplest most general form of motion, is going to be TRUTON's starting given form of motion for its primal objects.

primot In TRUTON, pridynthe primal motion (primot) is being placed in Prena, as a given fundamental primeval entity and, as such, we can talk thus about the given primeval dynamics (pridyn) in Prena. With that global vista of Prena, we note that Kant's Motto, placed at the top of our pages, needs to be amended in TRUTON to incorporate motion alongside matter, for the primal foundational given constituents:

"Give me the simplest form of matter and motion (mamo),
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature."


2. The Primeval Dynamics (PriDyn) Of Prena
As the Generator of Primal Evolution

From the introduced primeval dynamics of Prena (pridyn), we recognize that Prena's primeval blocks (of XB and bHL), by executing random LITRA motions, will disturb Prena's "tranquillity" because some of those moving blocks will inevitably collide one into another. The simple fact that the given primeval dynamics (pridyn) that exists in Prena can disturb its stability is a most remarkable recognition indeed, since evolution can occur only when stability is being broken or destroyed. No evolutionary act can occur without a disturbance of some sort. We mark that rather fundamental recognition, transcending from Mind into Nature, on evolution through


The Second Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (2nd UTPOT):
The Universal Principle of Evolution (UPE)

Evolution can occur only when and where stability is being disturbed and broken OR where stability does not exist at all.

If the disturbance is required for evolution to occur, then an agent must exist that would create the disturbance. What that agent could be? --is another part of the puzzle that needs now to be elucidated.

From the primeval dynamics (pridyn) of Prena, we can "see" not only the origin of the primeval evolution, but also the agent that was able to create it: it is the Collision that must exist due to the given randomness of LITRA. That monumental finding of the role of Collision as being the creator of the primeval evolution makes Collision as the primeval initiator and agent of creation (PIAC). We mark that truly monumental finding, transcending from Mind into Nature, on the role of the Collision through
The Third Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (3rd UTPOT):
The Primeval Initiator and Agent of Creation (PIAC)
The Underlying Common Engine of Creation (UCEC)
Collision is
PIACthe primeval initiator and agent of creation in Prena
UCEC the underlying common engine of creation in Nature.
404 error: God
                                                  Not Found

.Remark: For those seeking comfort in the existence of a "Creator of the Universe" (embodied in the elusive, indefinable, omnipresent, multifaceted God) and interested in deciphering the Creator's "modus operandi," then in TRUTON, the Collision plays that role of the "Creator." In TRUTON, all primeval "tools" of creation are derived from Collision.

The creation of our Universe, from the many existing universes is, as we shall see, a direct product of the Collision. The evolution and the formation of new qualitatively objects cannot exist without the existence of the Collision.

[It is perhaps of interest to note that it was Immanuel Kant in his Cosmolgy ("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens," Part II, Chapters 1, 8) who first advocated, trough his cosmological doctrine, of a mechanical origin of the Universe. One such physical Collision, out of the many to be found in Prena, represents indeed that physical origin of our existing Universe as contemplated by Kant with so much conviction and zeal.

With respect to the primeval initial dispersion setup of Nature, Kant made these stunning introductory remarks in the Preface of his noted Cosmology book that resemble, in a way, the initial dispersion setup of TRUTON's cosmology:

"Now I will confidently [...] assume the matter of the whole world to be universally dispersed and I make complete chaos of it. I see matter form in accordance with the established laws... Without the assistance of any arbitrary inventions, I enjoy the pleasure of seeing the creation of a well-ordered whole by reason of established laws of motion which looks so much like the system of the world we have before our eyes that I cannot help but regard it as the same. This unexpected development of the order of Nature on a large scale initially seems suspicious to me because it bases such a composite rightness on such a poor and simple foundation."]

I. Kant


The Collision, as the primeval initiator of Creation, implies that it is also the ultimate engine of all creations in Nature. As such, we say that Collision is also the underlying (or ultimate) common engine of all Creation (UCEC).


there is no God here

Now that we have identified the
Collision as the ultimate primal initiator and agent of creation (PIAC), it is clear that the study of the primeval collisions of Prena's XB-blocks will lead to the very beginning of Creation.

The study of xenobase (XB) is therefore essential in discovering the results generated by the Collision. The properties of the xenobase (XB) substance are of paramount importance for that study to take place. So far, we have introduced XB as being a continuum of the lowest material density that can be readily compressed, but impossible to decompressed.

The introduced primal given xenobase (XB), is now being refined and be called the virgin xenobase (vXB).

Upon compression, that
virgin xenobase (vXB) transforms into a qualitatively new substance called xenofluid (XF) whose density is function with the level of compression: the greater the compression, the greater the density of XF is. At a maximum finite compressional level, the xenofluid (XF) will transform into a qualitatively new substance called xenorigid (XR).

BARECNow, if left unconstrained, that xenofluid (XF) mass, by not having a mechanism of keeping its compressional state, will decompress into a tensioned xenobase (tXB) mass. The tension in that created xenobase (XB) mass is due to the inertia of decompression (inerdec). Because of that IOD, the tXB, unlike the vXB, has acquired a base resistance to compression (BAREC).

RECOBAREC, as such, is the bottom or the base resistance to compression (RECO) that was acquired by the xenofluid's interdec. The necessity of BAREC's existence is further cemented in the next page.




The compressional force (comforce), once infused, creating the
xenofluid (XF), transforms itself into the equal and reverse force of decompression (fordec). And that equality in magnitude is because fordec is noting else, but the flip side reincarnation of comforce. We mark that rather subtle, but profound recognition into
The Third Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (3rd FURON): 
The Force of Decompression (Fordec) Principle
All compressed inanimate states are endowed with an underneath balancing force of decompression.

. The infused compressional force (comforce), once created, cannot vanish and transform into Nothingness --an entity devoid of everything, but its own existence. (And that is because in Nature, there is no transformation that can reduce something into Nothingness!) In fact, when comforce ceases its existence, its reverse flip side come into existence which is the balancing force of decompression (fordec). With that Side-FlipSide package, the global ZERO-balance of the package is being established.
. Newton's 3rd Law of Motion (formulated that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"), has its substratum in the 3rd FURON.



The recognition of the existence of fordec can be construed, in a most subtle way, as being the recognition of matter's predisposition in residing at the baselevel (BALE) state. That given ultimate predisposed existence of matter (gupem) stands as the foundational pillar of TRUTON.

                                                    of matter




With that foundational recognition of matter's primal predisposition, we now are ready to move on, from Prena --the precursor of Nature to the emergence of the embryonal Nature (Embryna), on the mamo engine of TRUTON.


Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman.