The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
6. On the Ultimate Physical Law of Nature

We are now at the threshold of discovering the Ultimate Physical Law Of Nature (Uplon) and its origin. That Nature must be endowed with one such Uplon from where all other physical laws of Nature (Plons) are to emerge is based on the Unity of Nature (UNINAT) principle that guaranties its wholeness.
ultimate Uplon, by being an ultimate entity, implies that it cannot be derived from anything else, and therefore, it must be a given entity. But if that is so, then by being a given entity, the physical origin of Uplon cannot be questioned in any meaningful way!
As such
, the only rational origin that could be assigned to Uplon, as the ultimate law of Nature, has to be of mental rather than of physical nature. WOW!
HOW then Uplon, as a given entity, can be discovered? That is the question facing us now.
cuc Arguably, a guidance in finding the ultimate Plon --the Uplon is to look at the various physical laws (Plons) and see if we can find a common underneath convergence (cuc) directing us towards the sought Uplon. As such, that cuc must be the ticket for the roadmap in reaching Uplon.



We begin our search by examining arguably the oldest physical law of Nature (PLON) formulated by Archimedes (c. 250 BC) who, in his treatise "On Floating Bodies," enunciated that

"Any object, whole or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object." [underline supplied.]

That ancient PLON of
Archimedes, as we are about to see, is far more profound that it appears to be.


On the Underneath Substratum of the Archimedes Principle


From the Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy (APOB) it follows that the fluid is endowed somehow with a mechanism capable of sensing the presence of its immersed objects and react towards them, selecting some of them to be pushed inwards to sink, others to be pushed outwards to float, and still others selected to stay put.
That inference derived from APOB that the fluid, somehow, is able to sense and react (sar) towards its immersed objects is remarkable indeed. CODEBOCFor that sar to exist, a bridge of comunication (BOC) must exist between the fluid and its immersed objects. But for that BOC to exist, a common denominator (CODE) must first be present in order for that communication to take place!
So then, we have come now to ask:
What possible
common denominator (CODE) could exist between the fluid and its immersed objects?

Well, Archimedes was the first to recognize the existence of such CODE. It is the weight: the weight of the objects versus the weight of the displaced fluid generated by the immersed objects. The weight concept however is intimately connected to gravity which in TRUTON has not yet been introduced. As such, following the "weight" trail, we reach to the concept of mass as the quantity of matter.

From there, continuing on the same trail, we reach its end with the concept of density. And that is not too surprising to reach that end there, because of the recognition, expressed in the 5th UTPOT, that density represents indeed the ultimate physical parameter of Nature.

 With the identification of the density as being the CODE between the the fluid and its immersed objects, we are able to see HOW the fluid's sar generates the behavioral of its immersed objects: to sink, to float, or to stay put.
From there
, the bridge of communication (BOC) is obtained from the Pascal's Law (after Blaise Pascal) of the fluid-pressure transmission.
As such
, let us stress that
It is the fluid
, and nothing else, that makes that forced selection of HOW its immersed objects will behave!

B. Pascal
B. Pascal

Thus, to recap, from APOB, we obtained for the CODE to be the density and for the BOC to be the Pascal's Law.

BasedenContinuing traveling on the density wagon, we now introduce the density level concept, called densilevel (deL), of a volume as being the quantity of matter that exists in that volume. In TRUTON, the baseline density (baseden) or the bottom line material density of Nature is considered to be the line furnished by the xenobase (XB).

The fluid studied in APOB was considered to be incomprehensible. Our interest in TRUTON is about the compressible environmental xenofluid (eXF) and its immersed objects.




On the Affinity of the Environmental Xenofluid With its Embedded Objects

Our study must answer those pivotal questions:

Why and How the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium of Nature will be able to recognize the existence of its immersed objects? and
How that recognition of eXF will manifest itself its existence?

We begin with the answers by noting that in the previous page, we have recognized that the
xenofluid (XF) is a container of ergoenergy (erE), renamed now ergofluid (erFL), whose ergoflow (erFLO) is dictated by the DownLevel (Downlev) law.

ergobFrom that ergo-vista view, the material objects immersed into the xenofluid (XF) will become ergo-objects, called ergobs, whose surrounding environmental xenofluid (eXF) being now ergofluid (erFL) is subject to an ergoflow (erFLO) characteristic dictated by Downlev.

In the ergo-vista view, the densilevel (deL) concept transforms, for both the ergofluid (erFL) and its immersed ergobs, into a corresponding introduced ergolev (erL) concept of the ergoenergy (erE).

Now, we can talk of ergoholes (erHs) and ergopeaks (erPs) as ergobs that have their respective ergolevs (erLs) "below" or "above" the ergosea (erS) of their environmental ergofluid (eXF) medium.

ergolib The bridge of communication (BOC) that is emerging in there is forcing now the environmental ergofluid (eXF) medium, and not its immersed ergobs, to engage in flows dictated by Downlev, namely to flow or "run" towards ergoholes (erHs) OR "run" away from ergopeaks (erPs), respectively. That ergoleveling behavioral pattern dictated by Downlev will end when EMPON was achieved.


The common denominator (CODE) between the ergofluid (erFL) and its immersed ergobs is no other than the ergodensity (erD). And,
Because through the ergodensity CODE, Downlev operates, it follows that Downlev is the bridge of communication (BOC) that is being established between the environmental ergofluid (eXF) and its immersed ergobs.

In short, as such, Ergodensity is the CODE and Downlev is the BOC.

That ergo-leveling process which the environmental ergofluid (eXF) is following the Downlev's ergoleveling introduced in the 6th FURON, has a force, called ergoforce (erF), whose magnitude is proportional to the existed ergolib (erLib) gap, called ergogap (erG).


We call ergoline, the line of the "active" ergolev (erL), i.e., the magnitude line of the ergolib (erLib).

The ergoline at the "bottom" of the ergosea (erS) is the line of the ergobase (erB) corresponding to the xenobase (XB) that has the null value while the ergoline of the "surface" of the ergosea (erS) is the one corresponding to the environmental ergofluid (eXF).

On Ergodynamics of the Ergosea and
On the Ultimate Physical Law Of Nature (Uplon)

We have called ergodynamics (erdy) the study of the ergoflow (erFLO) dynamics of the ergosea (erS) as an "ergo-reaction" of the environmental ergofluid (eXF) towards its embedded objects that are viewed as ergobs. That downward ergoflow (erFLO) movement of the eXF is always directed from high to low ergodensities (erDs).
DOWNLEV We have called that downward directional ergoflow (erFLO) dynamics, the DownLevel (Downlev) law..

gupem The given predisposition existence (gupem) of matter encapsulated Downlev is to bring all material objects of Nature, be they ergoholes (erHs) or ergopeaks (erPs), into the realm of the ergosea (erS), as follows:
  1)  of eXF flowing or running towards ergoholes (erHs) depositing on them a xenofluid (XF) coat or mantle, called coverlon (COV), which is able to elevate the newly created objects to reach the "bottom" of the ergosea (erS), i.e., to reach the ergobase (erB) line; and
of eXF flowing or running away from ergopeaks (erPs) generating around them a xenobase (XB) bubble (or buffer) zone (XB-BUZO) that is able to descend the newly created objects, by lowering their created ergolibs (erLibs) to reach the ergoline of the environmental ergofluid (eXF) medium.

Remark: That "runaway" characheristic of Downlev reveals its "fall" facet for the affected objects, a facet that is embodied into the universal Downfall Law.

ultimate destination of Downlev is the ergobase (erB) platform. That is of bringing all ergobs, be they ergopeaks (erPs) or ergoholes (erHs), at the ergolev (erL) line of the ergobase (erB). That is to say that all ergobs in its environmental ergofluid (eXF) medium, regardless of their particular ergolev (erL), are driven to be "flattened" towards the ergobase (erB) line.

The corresponding ergoforce (erF) associated to a corresponding ergoflow (erFLO) is proportional to the magnitude of the ergogap (erG) created by the immersed ergobs.

All those to-and-fro behavioral eXF-characteristics are the veins or the currents of the ergosea (erS). Through those veins or currents that creates the ergodynamics (erdy), we are able to see Nature at its most underneath level of operation.

It is important to recap now and stress that both, the ergoholes (erHs) and the ergopeaks (erPs), reside outside of the boundaries of the ergosea (erS) and that, we have seen HOW their environmental ergofluid (eXF) "reacts" towards them through the ergoleveling process dictated by Downlev.


Finally, we note that all physical laws of Nature (PLONs), at their ultimate substratum, have --as origin-- the ergoleveling process dictated by Downlev.
As such
, Downlev is indeed the ultimate physical law of Nature (Uplon) whose embodiment and visualization is the Downfall Universal Law of Nature (DULON).
This ultimate recognition
, that Downlev/Downfall is the Uplon, was not unexpected because of the 8th UTPOT where it was revealed of Downlev's given substratum --the gupem.



We recap and magnify further as follows:

FOR the Ergohole (erH) Situation:
  The environmental ergofluid (eXF), as it runs or "falls" towards ergoholes (erHs), will create a dense XF-mantle around them, the called coverlon (COV), that will gradually elevate their respective ergolevs (erLs).
eRADThat process will stop when their their ergolevs (erLs) will reach the ergolev (erL) of the "bottom" of the base of the ergosea (erS) --the ergobase (erB). Once that happens, the coverlon (COV) is subject now to Downlev and thus to RENO generating, as such, an outburst flash of ergoenergy radiation (eRAD).

An ergohole (erH) that has acquired its coverlon (COV) to reach the ergobase (erB) is said to be saturated while the one that has lost it, through RENO, is said to be naked.
Two or more ergoholes (erHs) that become saturated at the same time are said to be equiphased. Ergoholes (erHs) that are not equiphased are said to be outphased.

All ergoholes (erHs), as such, are suction objects which at their saturated states will detach their acquired coverlon (COV) becoming naked in a perpetual revolving cycle.
FOR Ergopeak (erP) Situation:
  For the ergopeaks (erPs), the eXF, as it runs away from them, will generates a xenobase (XB) buffer zone around them --the XB-BUZO called bufferlon (BUFF) that gradually will lower their global ergolevs (erLs). That process will stop when their global erL will reach the ergolev (erL) of the ergosea (erS).
All ergopeaks (erPs) are vibratory objects due to the permanent vibration of their bufferlons (BUFFs) that confront in permanence the RENO of their environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium.

It is important to stress again that the ergoleveling process is designed to bring all objects into the ergosea (erS). Once that happens, that ergoleveling resultant however is being confronted and disturbed by RENO of the environmental xenofluid (eXF) creating therefore a permanent to-and-fro zigzagging tit-for-tat dynamics.
We also should note that the environmental turbulence generated from the
zigzagging tit-for-tat dynamics of eXF has created the foundational background for the primeval evolution in Nature to emerge and take place as recoggnized in the 2nd UTPOT.

Reason versus
On the Recognition of Downlev as being the Imaginary Purported God

The Ultimate Physical Law Of Nature (Uplon), as stated, is Downlev from which all physical laws of Nature (PLONs) must have their primal origin.

Tesla on
                                                          GodPaul-Henry Thiry, Baron
God as
                                                          the creator of
No GodFor those who believe in the existence of an omnipresent God, as the "Creator of the Universe", then (as we have recognized) that Creator (and thus, that omnipresent God) is the Collision. The God's "logic" upon which it operates is furnished by no other than Downlev. Thus, Downlev's "logic" is the "logic" upon which God "operates" and manifests its continuous omnipresence.
                                                          Bernard Shaw
                                                          on false
It bears noting that the ultimate expression of organized ignorance is the organized religion.
The challenge of evolution, as we have noted, is to outmaneuver and frustrate Downlev's ultimate objective, and thus to outsmart and frustrate God's flattening objective!

no god here

Now, before going any further, it is a good place here to stop and define what we mean by Nature.

On the Concept Of Nature

We have defined Nature as the outgrow of Prena. While Prena is a given entity, Nature --by being its outgrow-- is not. From Prena, we have seen that Nature was born not as a single block, but as a fragmented entity with isolated autonomous parcels called naturets, separated by the absolute vacuum (AVA) medium.

Those recognized parcels of Nature, that are separated by AVA --the naturets provide the most general representation of Nature as a fragmented entity. We now mark that rather stunning recognition of Nature into
The Ninth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (9th UTPOT):
Nature as an Aggregate of Autonomous Parcels (called

Nature is not confined to exist as one single block, but rather its existence is fragmented into a multitude of autonomous parcels separated by the absolute vacuum (AVA) medium. All those parcels are made up of the same identical primary ingredients: the xenosubstance (XS) and the xenovoid (XV).

naturets, by being separated by AVA, cannot communicate in any way, one with another, as nothing can be transmitted through AVA.

Notwithstanding their autonomous characteristic vested in their absolute isolation, each naturet-parcel will generate in the end, the same type and direction of development, as there is no rationale to be different as recognized in the multitude existential mark of creation (ME-UMOC).

Nature's existence of its fragmented configuration is now being compounded by another characteristic --its everlasting permanency, vested into
The Tenth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (10th UTPOT):
On Nature's
Permanent Everlasting Durable Existence (pede)
In Nature, matter cannot be created nor destroyed. As such, Nature has a permanent everlasting durable existence (pede) whose arena of existence (arex) cannot be increases nor decreased.

mattonThe inherited matter with which Nature was endowed from Prena cannot be increased nor decreased by any means. The matter of Nature (matton), once created from the prematter (pM), can only be transformed from one state of existence into another. Never ever can a matton be created from, or transformed into, Nothingness.

From the
permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC), the permanency of Nature is firmly secured on the grounds that there is no transformation or process that can transform a material entity into Nothingness.

The reverse of that characteristic is also true. From the substantive foundational mark of creation (SF-UMOC), it follows indeed that there is no physical process in Nature that can create a material entity out of Nothingness.

Remark: That rather trivial recognition, as already noted, is in contradiction with Einstein's lunatic theory of Special Relativity where the introduced so-called relativistic mass proclaims that mattter, hocus-pocus, can be created out of Nothingness through motion and nothing else!
By increasing the speed of an object
, its mass is purported to increase out-of-the-blue, to become infinite when the object reaches the speed of light [sic!].
Only a clinically demented Mind could possibly phantom such a ludicrous scenario in Nature...


Nature, asides from its material component is endowed with a non-material one supplied from
Prena and created also by the Collision --the primeval initiator and agent of creation (PIAC). And that non-material creation, the ergovoid (erV), is the result of the infusion of a hitoforce (hF) into the absolute vacuum (AVA). That infused hitoforce (hF) ultimately will be diffusing itself until it reaches its baselevel (BALE) state, transforming itself now from the ergovoid (erV) to the baselevel (BALE) state --xenovoid (XV) state. As such, we can talk about a xenovoid cloud (called xenocloud) and mark that recognition into
The Seventh
Foundational Universal Recognition Of Nature (7th FURON): 
On the Ultimate Non-material Medium of Nature: The Xenocloud
Remark: The difference between xenovoid (XV) and the absolute vacuum (AVA) is that
  • the xenovoid (XV) is endowed with dormant energy --the ergobase (erB) energy similar to the dormant energy of the xenobase (XB), while
  • the absolute vacuum (AVA) is endowed with nothing.
The Hendrik Casimir's theoretical prediction known today as the Casimir effect and the vacuum energy concept of today's Physics are inferences than can be drawn from the existence of the
xenovoid (XV).

By the 10th UTPOT above, no material object of Nature can be transformed into Nothingness. However, that in itself, is not sufficient to establish, that in a naturet, its inherited matter satisfies the permanent everlasting durable (PED) characteristic.

For that to happen, we need to prove, in addition, that no material object of a naturet can escape from its tutelage or influence. And for that proof, we need to examine the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium, as there is nothing else out there, that could constrain or influence its material objects.


On the Singular Ultimate Commonality in Nature

 The given "base" predisposed existence (gupem) concept of matter, as already noted, is a most powerful "lens" through which we can "see" Nature and thus, discover and "see" the physical laws that are operating in Nature (Plons) without knowing exactly how they are being accomplished, i.e., without knowing exactly their respective "machineries" or "schemes" involved!

Continuing to marvel about matter's ultimate gupem as formulated in the above 8th UTPOT, we come now to "see" and recognize these universal principles of Nature vested in
The Second Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (2nd FUSON):
The Common Primeval Singular Foundation of Nature

All formations of Nature are build out of one single common primeval foundation reflected in the matter's ultimate given predisposition of existence (gupem).

Fundamental Remark (FUREM) to the 2nd FUSON: Without the existence of a singular underlying foundational denominator, no edifice in Nature can be build without collapsing. That is the UNINAT principle which recognizes that no multiple underlying foundations could exist in Nature without the collapse of Nature itself.

The Third Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (3rd FUSON):
On the Unique Existence of the
Ultimate Physical Law of Nature (Uplon)

There must be one, and only one, primeval law of Nature, called the ultimate physical law of Nature (Uplon), from where all other physical laws of Nature (PLONs) are being derived from.

Proof: That is because if more than one primeval ultimate law would have existed in Nature, then those primeval laws of Nature would each create in the same physical space different entities that could not be reconciled one with another assuring therefore a total self-destruction of formations in Nature.


The Fourth Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (4th FUSON):
The Rational Predictable Characteristic of Processes in Nature
Newton's Ultimate Doctrine (NUD): "Hypotheses non fingo"

All processes or phenomena in Nature have a rationale for their existence springing ultimately from one, and only one, single underlying design of matter's gupem's predisposition: the baseolution.
There are no willy-nilly capricious physical processes or phenomena in Nature


Fundamental Remarks to Newton's Ultimate Doctrine (NUD)

No willy-nilly so-called primeval Big-Bang cosmological event/explosion ever took place in Nature. No willy-nilly so-called primeval fundamental interactive forces, such as strong and weak interactions or forces, exist in Nature which, by the way, were introduced ad-hoc and out-of-the-blue to "explain" Nature's behavioral characteristics at its atomic and subatomic level of existence.

Big Bang
that never

In short, no willy-nilly speculations of any sort that lack rationality and causality for their existence should be allowed to populate, permeate, and pollute our theories of Nature.
We have called that fundamental principle
, Newton's Ultimate Doctrine (NUD).

.TOTAThe biggest NUD offenders in this regard are Einstein's lunatic Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein's misguided General Theory of Relativity and, as well, the irrational hocus-pocus Quantum Mechanics --a hocus-pocus mathematical Theory Of The Absurd (TOTA) that lacks both Physics and Rationality.

Today's Quantum Mechanics is indeed par excellence a TOTA, being a Hocus-Pocus Irrational Mechanics clothed with pockets of seductive advanced arbitrary Mathematics capable of masking its repugnant hollow physical skeleton that is peppered with willy-nilly speculations over speculations!

On the Origin, Characteristics, and Design of the Physical Laws of Nature (PLONs)

All physical laws of Nature (PLONs) are driven by a common foundation of "base" existence. There are no arbitrary nor capricious PLONs as recognized in NUD.

erconAnd that common design of PLONs, as stated, is fueled by matter's ultimate "base" predisposition of existence (gupem) of staying at its baselevel (BALE) state existence as formulated in the 8th UTPOT and stressed again in the 4th FUSON above.
And that BALE state is being transmitted through a variety of PLONs which all are able to operate through the "ergo connection (ercon)" that was created between the environmental medium and its embedded material objects. And that is possible because the material objects and their material environment are made from one and the same material --the xenosubstance (XS).
, we can talk about "ergo" bridges of communication (BOCs) between the objects and their environment as first noted in the 4th FURON of the previous page. Those "ergo BOCs" are the venues or the veins, if you will, through which all PLONs operate.

We mark that eye-opener recognition into

The Eleventh Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (11th UTPOT)
On the Origin, Characteristics and Design of the Physical Laws of Nature

All physical laws of Nature (PLONs) have a rationale for their existence derived from matter's ultimate design of base existence --that is of residing at the baselevel state existence that represents the lowest possible state of existence for a particular enclosure. All PLONs are therefore behavioral expressions of the relationship that the material objects can establish with their ergo environment towards establishing a common baselevel existence.

.1. We call a physical law of Nature (PLON), a law describing a physical behavioral property in a particular environmental medium (EM). A PLON, always is function of a particular EM. Formally, we can write this as PLON=PLON(EM).
.2. Two or more objects in the same environment obeying the same PLON are said to be qualitatively equivalent or equivalent modulo that PLON.
.3. Objects that do not obey the same PLON in a particular environmental medium (EM) are said to be qualitatively different or different modulo that PLON(EM) in reference to that EM.
Example: Let's take the PLON to be the classical Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy (APOB) and the material environmental medium (EM) to be the water. All objects that, say, float form a class of objects that are qualitatively equivalent or equivalent modulo the APOB buoyancy law. Objects that do not float are said to be qualitatively different from the objects that do float.

Fundamental Reiterating Remarks:
.As already stressed, the significance of APOB is monumental indeed as it reveals, above everything else, that objects that are thrown into a container of liquid, say water, could behave quite differently: some will sink, others will float, and still others will stay put in the water. So the environment, in that case of the aquatic environment, dictates how its objects will behave i.e., what type of aquatic properties they will acquire.
.The recognition that a material environment dictates the behavioral properties of its objects is indeed most remarkable.
Through APOB, we come to the profound realization that inanimate material objects do not possess per se inherent properties for their behaviour, but that their behavioral properties are the sole result of the relationship that their material environment can establish with them.Sir
                                                          Isaac Newton

The role of a material environment, as a mediator, was constantly in the mind of Isaac Newton who, when pondering over the origin and the mechanism of gravity, noted that much in a letter to Richard Bentley:

"... that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum, without the mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it."

Sir Isaac Newton's Principia, vol. II, University of California Press, 1966, p. 634.

Newton's insight and recognition, of the pivotal role that the material medium must have, as a mediator, in dictating how inanimate material objects interact one with another, is now being reformulated into
The Fifth Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (5th FUSON):
The Ergo Connector of Nature (ECON)    

All material objects of Nature are interconnected through its material ergo environmental medium --the xenofluid medium.

.1. Because of ECON, Nature is said to have a connected state of existence.
.2. Because in Prena, its environmental medium is vacuum, its objects can no longer connect one with another. There in Prena, its objects are said to be disconnected, and as such, Prena is said to have a disconnected state of existencee.


ECON when it is coupled

with Aristotle's vehement rejection of a cosmic vacuum medium ("Natura Abhorret Vacuum") and
• with
Archimedes' recognition of the influence that the aquatic environment has in the behaviour of its objects

leads us into formulating
The Sixth Fundamental Universal Scholium of Nature (6th FUSON):
The Aristotle-Newton-Archimedes Principle (ANAP)

All material objects of Nature are interconnected through its material ergo environmental medium --the xenofluid medium.
All inanimate material objects, barring mechanical impulses, derive their properties of behavior and interaction from the relationship that they can establish with their ergo environment.
If an ergo environmental medium is absent, no such properties will exist for those objects surrounded by the absolute vacuum. Inanimate natural material objects do not possess, per se, any innate inherent physical properties of behavior or interaction.

Remark: By ANAP , it follows that the key in deciphering the behavioral interactional properties of material objects is by discovering the individual relationship that they could establish with their ergo environment. Thus, in particular, the individual relationships that objects are establishing with their environmental xenofluid (eXF) must lead us to the discovery of all material interactions. And that, is simply because there is no other venue available that could lead us there.

In order for such a relationship to exist between the eXF and its inanimate material objects, a common denominator (CODE) needs to exist through which a bridge of communication (BOC) can be established. Discovering those CODEs with their respective BOCs is our ticket in discovering Nature's modus operandi.

Additional Commentary on the Two Types of Physical Parameters in Nature:

.A differentiation needs to be made between the physical behavioral properties of an object and its physical characteristics (or its properties of characterization or still, its characteristic properties). This differentiation leads us to the two types of physical parameters that can exist in Nature: one, of behavior; the other of characterization.
.A physical characteristic (or property of characterization) of an object is a description of a physical parameter that it possess. Example of such physical characteristics describing an object could be its density, its size, or its temperature.

Since the physical laws of Nature describe the physical behavioral properties of the material objects of Nature, it follows that the 11th UTPOT can be formulated in terms of behavioral properties of objects as noted below:


The Fundamental Corollary (FUCO) to the 11th UTPOT:
On the Origin, Characteristics and Design of
the Physical, Behavioral Properties of the Material Objects of Nature
All material inanimate objects of Nature derive their behavioral properties from the relationship that they establish with their "ergo" environmental medium. When an "ergo" medium is absent, the objects embedded in it lack of having any behavioral properties being inert. Material inanimate objects do not possess, per se, any inherent physical behavioral property of characterization. The environmental material medium, and nothing else, shapes the behavioral characteristics of its material objects of Nature through the "ergo connection" that was established.
Analytical Recapitulative Remark:
All interactions in Nature among the material objects of Nature are the result of their relationship that are being established with their "ergo" environment that acts as a catalyst, a facilitator, and a platform through which material objects can communicate among themselves via a bridge of communication (BOC) that is endowed with a common denominator (CODE) between the material objects and their "ergo" environment.

HONThat CODE cannot be transmitted through or being embedded into the vacuum medium. A material object or entity surrounded by the absolute vacuum (AVA) medium cannot communicate in any way with its surroundings. Such an object or entity is said to be marooned. All naturets, for instance, are marooned entities. Objects "falling" into a Hole of Nothingness (HON) are said to be marooned.

Final Concluding Remarks:
1. There are no physical laws of Nature that could not be associated with the baseleveling law either as emerging from it or opposing it. And that is because all other physical laws of Nature (PLONs) have their embryonal seed in the direction towards or away from the baseleveling platform. In short, there is no law of Nature that can ignore or bypass the existence of the BALE law.
2. Baseleveling can be viewed as the grand global renormalization tendency in Nature.
3. All physical laws of Nature (PLONs) have a logic or rational for their existence that are triggered from the downward baseleveling tendency formulated in the 8th UTPOT. Thus, the reason of the existence of physical laws in Nature is not because of the existence of some Divine Creature forcing upon us those laws to exist, but it is because the laws of Nature are nothing else but the carriers of certain environmental reactions resulted from matter's baselevel predisposition of existence (gupem).
4. All physical laws of Nature (PLONs), with no exception, have their ultimate origin in baseolution.
5. Knowing the matter's predisposition
of "base" existence (gupem) reflected in its downward baseleveling tendency, put us on guard on the necessity of existence of an opposite tendency through an agent whose predisposition is to oppose and defeat baseleveling. And that is because without the existence of such an opposing agent to baseleveling, Nature --as a whole-- will collapse ending up into a complete frozen standstill entity.


On the foundation created so far, one big element that needs to be added is the underlying primal agent and tool of creation (patoc).
Since the purported omnipresent imaginary God has no place in TRUTON, a real patoc must exist!
And that patoc is there, right under under our nose so to speak, it is the Collision.

No God
There is
                                                          no God
in Nature,
but only
 in the Mind...

Finally, the speculations fostered in one's Mind has not known limits and, when combined with intelligence, can produce theories purporting to represent Nature that in fact they represent mental illusions non-existent in Nature.
cacagarGod, Big-Bang, Black Hole, dilatation of time or space, gravitational waves, antimatter and so on, are some of foremost examples that do not exist in Nature residing exclusively only in our Mind. They are part of the collective academic garbage (cacagar) polluting our genuine discoveries of Nature.
And speaking of scientific polluters, there are no bigger than the Quantum Mechanics and Relativity theories. Those two are by far the most entrenched polluters of today's science. Time is long overdue to put them where they belong: in the cacagar receptacle.

Planck on science
Nature is not absurd as the Nobel Prize recipient
Richard Feynman proclaimed to be,
Richard Feynman:
                                                  Nature is Absurd.
but is a magnificent rational entity of an unequal splendor and intertwined complexity fueled by its relentless natural forces of creation and development springing from
Collision, as outlined herein in TRUTON's blueprint.



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Kalman Klim Brattman