The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
7. Spin as the Primal Regulator and Tool of Creation

Prena The xenofluid (XF) was introduced as being derived from compressing a xenobase (XB) mass. HOW such a compressed XB-mass could be obtained in Prena and HOW, once formed, it can maintain its existence in view of RENO --are questions to be entertained, in here, below. Since the xenofluid (XF) is not a given entity, but is a derived entity from the xenobase (XB), it follows that our first task is to fully grasp the XB's given properties of characterization, as well as, to understand the rationality for their existence.


  On the Foundational Properties Characterizing the Xenobase (XB)  

USLOMIn TRUTON, the xenobase (XB) represents the absolute "bottom" line of material existence. There is nothing "below" that line from where XB could be derived. Because of that, we say that the xenobase (XB) represents the ultimate state level of matter (USLOM) which is the level of the ergobase (erB).
From that recognition of
USLOM, it is the aim of TRUTON to build up the entire spectrum of material formations populating Nature.

We can talk thus about USLOM as being the ultimate ergoline representing the lowest level of material existence.
With that insight
, the XB's physical parameters of characterization must indeed reflect the USLOM's existence. As such, let us see then what those properties of characterization for the xenobase (XB) could be.

1. XB, by being at the USLOM line, has the lowest non-null material density called the baseline (or baselevel) density (baseden).

2. XB, as the xenovoid (XV), is endowed with the bafiflex property.

3. The Base Resistance to Compression (BAREC) property stating that the xenobase (XB), unlike xenovoid (XV), has a base resistance to compression. If a compression takes place overcoming that base resistance, then XB will transform into a new qualitatively state --the xenofluid (XF) state.

i) BAREC is a necessary condition for the xenobase (XB) to exist pursuant to the resistance limit mark of creation (RL-UMOC).
.  ii) BAREC's existence is due to XB's ingrained ergobase (erB).

4. The Unstretchable Baseline Resistance (UBAR) property stating that the xenobase (XB) is non-stretchable. That property is required because of XB's baseden.

  .  UBAR also implies that a XB-surface acts as a natural impenetrable wall.

5. The Directional Tensioned Resistance to Compression (ditrec) property stating that a stretched xenobase (XB) mass, called directional tensioned (diTEN) xenobase (XB), will have an additional directional resistance towards compression that is equal to the strength and opposite in direction to the applied stretching force.

Because of the directional characteristic (dichar), a radial tensioned XB, for instance, is not tensioned transversely. That directional autonomy of a tensioned XB (tXB) brings us to the recognition that tXB can manifest its existence in three (3) distinct "flavors": linear, radial, or transversal.

On the Forces of Collisions in Prena

The primeval
hitoforces (hFs) in Prena, will generate through the collisions of its gliding xenobase (XB) masses, the absolute inertia (abin), in the absolute vacuum (AVA), as recognized in Pofai.
HEADON In a head-on collision, called Headon, the abin is the linear inertia (lini). As such, we can talk about lini-forces that are indeed real forces and not fictitious (as currently they are being labeled and portrayed).
As already
noted, Isaac Newton, in his seminal Principia, clearly recognized the real nature of those lini-forces that exist in Nature: that of resistance and impulse.
The fundamental difference between the
hitoforces (hFs) and the lini-forces is that the former are hitting contact forces while the latter are infused body forces.

ANGUMoving on, we now recognize that the collisions at an angle, QUAPcalled angular (ANGU) collisions, of XB-masses, asides that are by far the most numerous collisions in Prena, have, in addition, the distinction of creating for them a new qualitatively primal (QUAP) type of motion --the Spin. (That new type of motion is a QUAP because the Spin cannot be reduced --through any transformation-- into any other type of motion.)

Note: Before proceeding any further, let us note that the Spin referred herein is that of a continuous turning or rotation around its own axis of spin (AOS) and, as such, it needs not be confused with the degenerated nomenclature employed currently in Quantum Mechanics, nor it needs be confused with an orbital revolution as employed in Classical Mechanics with which needs to be differentiated as noted below.

Here, in TRUTON, the Spin is always referred as being the rotation upon itself of an object around its own particular axis --an axis that can rotate freely in space, and nothing else. To deliberately detach ourselves from the Spin of Quantum Mechanics, we will employ, as needed, the Rotaspin term.


The apparition of
the Spin, as a new primal type of motion, is most significant indeed as new primal type of forces associated with the Spin will emerge and, as such, it is our primary task to recognize and differentiate them.

bofCOFOn the Influence of Body and Contact Forces   
When Applied on a Xenobase (XB) Mass

All forces in Nature can be grouped into two (2) major categories:
Body forces (BOFs), and
Contact forces (COFs) that could be point or surface forces.

By a body force (BOF), we mean a force that acts on each and every point of the body that is contrasted with the contact force (COF) that is the force that acts at the point or surface of impact between two colliding objects.

Let us note that inertial forces are defined as the forces that carry and implement inertia and, that all inertial forces are body-forces (BOFs). The introduced Principle of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) stands indeed as inertia's fundamental charactheristic.

Let us further note that an inertial force is a real force indeed and, that it is most unfortunate of the prevailing and misguided current parlance and association of inertial forces as being fictitious, apparent, or imaginary entities.
You see
, Physics and Natural Sciences, in general, do not deal with the study of fictitious, imaginary entities and concepts that our Mind can create, nor does it deals with the study of our perceptions and illussions (physical or imaginary). That study of the Mind or the study of illusions and perceptions are studies completely outside of the realm and scope of Physics and Natural Sciences.

The study of inertial forces as real forces carrying real effects is pivotal indeed in our rational understanding of Nature's modus operandi. As already noted, those inertial forces do not spring from matter, but spring from the motion itself, specifically from a resistance to change an existing state of motion. And that resistance springs from the resistance limit mark of creation (RL-UMOC) stated in the 4th UTPOT. Therefore the origin of inertial forces must reflect that unique characteristic.

On that background of the inertial forces, let us now move on and examine the newly arrived motion in Prena --the Spin.


inplatdicodiStringPass .
On the Structural Ingrained Passage (StringPass) of Xenofluid (XF)
With Its Corresponding
Ingrained Platform (InPlat)

xenofluid (XF) could be the result of an inertial compression of a xenobase (XB) mass that is always directional: be it linear (lini), radial (radi), or transversal (transi). The reverse of a directional compression (dircom) is the corresponding directional dilation (dirlat).


inplat dicodiAs such, that compression-dilatation (CODI) corridor, through which a xenofluid (XF) is being formed that can contract and expand in its existing directional CODI (diCODI), reveals the existing xenofluid's structural ingrained pass (StringPass). The arena of existence (arex) of that created StringPass of the formed xenofluid (XF) creates a ingrained platform (inPlat) in which the xenofluid's diCODI-forces operate.

The directional compression-dilatation (diCODI) movements of the formed xenofluids (XFs) in Prena is always of inertial nature.
 On the Varieties of the Xenofluid (VARIXENs) 
At the outset of this page, it was noted that the properties of the xenofluid (XF) is ingrained and transmitted from the xenobase (XB) through a compression generated through a collision that could be linear (head-to-head collision) or angular (ANGU) that generates a spin. As such, StringPass reveals that a xenofluid (XF) could be of a linear (LINI) or of a rotational (ROTI) variety as detailed below.

 Spin As the Creator of the First Primal Object: The Spinoflon 
 The Radifugal and Transifugal Forces of Spin 



The rotational (ROTI) variety (Rotivar) derived from the Spin generate two (2) distict subvarieties:
the radial variety (radivar) propelled by the centrifugal (CF) force And
the transversal varietie (transivar) propelled by Euler variety (eulevar) and Coriolis variety (corivar), respectively.
 (rotational variety) 
(radial variety)
 (transversal variety) 
(Euler variety)
 (Coriolis variety) 

In the Spin, the counterpart of the linear inertia (lini) is the spinning inertia (spini) that is also a consequence of Pofai. We can talk thus about the spini-forces associated to the Spin that generate spiniCODIs. We have these two (2) types of spini-forces:

  • The radial inertial (radin) force vested in the centrifugal (CF) body-force that increases with the distance from the axis of spin (AOS). And,
  • The transversal inertial (transin) forces vested in the Euler (EUL) and the Coriolis (CORI) forces.

As such, through Spin, two (2) types of spiniCODIs are being generated:

i) one, the radial inertial (radin) type --the radiCODI fueled by the radial inertial centrifugal (CF) force of expansion. That radiCODI, is similar to the fabric of a balloon that radially expands. If that balloon happens to be of a spherical shape, that radiCODI is the called spheriCODI.

NOTE: The speriCODI can originate from a linear radiation or from a spinning event. Regardless, of their particular origin, the generated StringPass, as noted, is one and the same for both of them. Because of that, we say that the xenofluid (XF) emerging from those two types speriCODIs are structurally equivalent modulo their common StringPass.

ii) the other one, the transversal inertial (transi) type --the transiCODIs fueled by either the Euler (EUL) or the Coriolis (CORI) forces. For those that are interested further,

G-G de
                                                    CoriolisG-G de Coriolis

. The Euler (EUL) force, called also the azimuthal or the transverse force and named after Leonhard Euler, is perpendicular to the centrifugal (CF) force and it occurs only in a non-uniform spin of accelerated or decelerated rotation.
.The Coriolis (CORI) force, on the other hand, named after Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis has an effect of transversal deflection, known as the Coriolis effect, and it occurs only in an uniform constant spin.

L. EulerL. Euler.

The corresponding inPLATs associated with the Spin are, as such, the radiPLAT and the transiPLAT as illustrated in the table below:
Primary Types of Forces Generated by the Spin in a Spinning XF-mass:
  • Radial (rad) inertial ==> radi: Radial movement
    with its
    radifugal (radi) forces --the outward centrifugal (CF) force and the reverse centripetal (CP) force of resistance.

  • Transversal (trans) inertial ==> transi: Transversal outward movement
    with its
    transifugal (transi) forces --the Euler (EUL) and the Coriolis (CORI) forces.

  • Each type of diCODI generates a corresponding type of inPLAT.
  • diCODIs could be of inertial nature or non-inertial.
  • Regardless of their nature (inertial or not), diCODIs will generate the same type of inPLATs corresponding to the same StringPasses.


The inPLATs Autonomy Principle (IAP):

Objects born in one inPLAT are not being affected by the existence of other inPLATs. In other words, objects born in one inPLAT are able to preserve their identities when they travel into another inPLAT.

IAP recognizes that the StringPass characteristic of the objects born in one inPLAT are not being affected, much less transformed, when they move and enter into another variety of inPLAT.

The inPLAT substratum of independence and non-interference, one from another, stands from the fact that no inPLAT can be transformed or reduced into another type of inPLAT because no diCODI-force can be reduced or transformed from one type into another type of diCODI-force.

That autonomy and independence of inPLATs, one from another --the IAP, is further exemplified and magnified below:

Objects born, say, in the radiPLAT will preserve their identities (i.e., their StringPass) when they travel and enter into the transiPLAT and vice versa.

IAP is further extended to RENO that can operate independently and simultaneously in all inPLATs.

On the Nature of the Centripetal (CP) Force
in a Spin versus in an Orbital Motion
  • In an orbital circular motion, the centripetal (CP) force is always an external physical force such as the force of gravity in a planetary system.
  • In the spinning of a mass, however, we have the reverse situation: now, the CP-force is no longer an external force, but is an internal force of resistance springing from RETOC.

This distinction and differentiation between the rotational spin and the rotational orbital motion is paramount indeed and, as seen below, this lack of understanding and differentiation together with other related issue on the circular motion has tormented the great physicist Heinrich Hertz for quite some time.

With all this, we are ready now for
The First Fundamental Universal Theorem Of Spin (1st FUTOS).
Spinning Galaxy

A solid xenobase (XB) mass upon acquiring a Spin in Prena, will transform into a new entity called spinoflon (sFL) whose shape is an oblate spheroid and, whose XB axis of spin (AOS) is surrounded by a permanent structured transifugal xenofluid (XF) mass whose density increases gradually and concentrically outwards from the AOS.


As the XB-mass, at rest or in a linear translatory motion (LITRA), begins to spin, two inertial players are immediately being formed:
  • the radial Centrifugal (CF) force, and
  • the transversal Euler (EUL) force.

Those two inertial body-forces (CF and EUL) are the initial players in an ascending spinning xenobase (XB) mass. We call that primal stage, the nano phase because of its minute period of its existence.



The two stated inertial body-forces (
CF and EUL) operate concomitantly from two distinct ingrained platforms (inPLATs): the radiPLAT and the transiPLAT, respectively. And by IAP, they operate independently one from another.

When the XB-block begins to spin, nothing detectable appears to be happening through the radiPLAT platform where the centrifugal CF-force resides and acts. And that is because, as the CF-force begins to act and impinge radially outwards from the AOS, the non-stretchable XB-mass can transform only into a non-perceptible radial directional tensioned (diTEN) xenobase (XB).

From the transiPLAT platform however, the situation is markedly different. And that is because in the transiPLAT platform, we have the EUL-force that, through its transversal impingement, is able to squeeze transversely (as in an open accordion that begins to close-in on one-side) the xenobase (XB) mass and transform it into a transi xenofluid (transi-XF) mass.

That EUL-force will continue unabated generating concentric XF-layers (from the AOS) whose surface densities will increase with the increase of the distance r from the AOS. And that density increase is due to the fact that the magnitude of EUL-force increases with the increase of the distance r from the AOS as seen from the EUL-acceleration formula posted below:
aE = -d¥/dt X r,

where "X" is the cross product operator, ¥ is the angular velocity of rotation, and r being the vector of the point where the acceleration is being measured relative to the axis of spin (AOS). The minus sign is placed to reflect that the direction of the Euler force is opposite to the direction of the Spin's rotation.

Now with the appearance of the
transi-XF mass (whose radial mass density increases withe the increase of distance r from the AOS), by the universal RENO acting in all platforms, an inward radial movement of the formed XF-mass it will start that will be confronted by the existing outward centrifugal CF-force. The force of that inward radial tendency is the called centripetal (CP) force that is in fact the XF's RECO.

The appearance of the inward centripetal CP-force is essential in keeping in check the outward centrifugal CF-force.

Eventually, a balance will be created, called xenobalance (XEBA), between the inward radial cetripetal
CP-force (fueled by RENO) and the opposing outward radial centrifugal CF-force (fueled by the Spin).

BTW: In the mathematical jargon of differential equations, a XEBA point is an equilibrium point that is the constant solution to the differential equation that the centrifugal CF-force with the opposing centripetal CP-force of resistance will create.

The XEBA created in the nano phase shapes, as well, the shape of the the spinning XF-mass being transformed into an oblate spheroid (figure at left). And that shape is the result of the Euler (EUL) and Centrifugal (CF) forces at work. Now, with XEBA, the ascending Spin has leveled down to a constant steady speed of rotation marking the end of the nano phase.

When the Spin has achieved a constant speed of rotation, the transversal Euler (EUL) inertial force ceases its existence. A new permanent phase or stage takes place, called the perma phase or stage, whose permanency is going to be assured by the preservation of the created xenobalance (XEBA) in the radiPLAT platform and the permanent constancy reached in the transiPLAT platform as detailed below.

The opening that is left by the disappearance of the Euler (EUL) force is immediately occupied by the other inertial transversal player from the transifugal "operators" of the transiPLAT --the transversal inertial Coriolis deflection whose emergence is the direct result of the spin inertia (spini).

The strength of the Coriolis deflection is no longer function of the distance from the AOS, being now only a function of the speed of the Spin as seen from its acceleration formula noted below***.

*** To see that the Coriolis effect does not depend of the distance from the AOS, we post below its acceleration formula:
ac= -2¥ X v,

with v being the velocity of a XF-particle in the rotating body, and ¥ being the angular velocity vector. The "X", as before, is the cross product operator. The minus sign is placed to reflect that the direction of the Coriolis deflection is opposite to the direction of the Spin's rotation.

Thus, in the new perma phase, the permanent constancy of its forces of spin is fully achieved with the radial XEBA being maintained and preserved.
The permanent ultimate picture created is now complete. The result is the creation of a new entity that permanently spins, called spinoflon (sFL), whose xenobase AOS is surrounded by a gradal structured XF-mass whose density increases with the increase of distance from the AOS.
That newly formed entity that is in the form of an oblate speroid, the spinoflon (sFL), represents indeed the very first permanent primeval formation (PriForm) of Nature.



Historical Note

                                                          Hertz It is perhaps of interest to note the comments made by Heinrich Hertz in the Introduction of his 1899 posthumous book "The Principles of Mechanics" zooming on his strong critique, now all but forgotten, on the lack of clarity of the force concept, on pseudo-forces in general, and that of centrifugal/centripetal force, in particular, as well as on Newton's Third Law of Motion (acton vs. equal reaction):

"We swing in a circle a stone tied to a string, and in so doing we are conscious of exerting a force upon a stone. This force constantly deflects the stone from its straight path. If we vary the force, the mass of the stone, and the length of the string, we find that the actual motion of the stone is always in accordance with Newton's second law.

But now the [Newton's] third law requires an opposing force to the force exerted by the hand upon the stone. With regard to this opposing force the usual explanation is that the stone reacts upon the hand in consequence of centrifugal force, and that this centrifugal force is in fact exactly equal and opposite to that which we exert.

Now is this mode of expression permissible? Is what we call centrifugal force anything else than the inertia of the stone? Can we, without destroying the clearness of our concepts, take the effect of inertia twice into account --firstly as mass, secondly as force?...

... Can we behave as if we had already asserted anything about forces of this kind in our laws, as if by calling them forces we could invest them with the properties of forces?...

...The only possible explanation is that, properly speaking centrifugal force is not a force at all. Its name like the name vis viva, is accepted as historic tradition; it is convenient to retain it, although we should rather apologize for its retention than endeavor to justify it.

But, what now becomes of the demands of the [Newton's] third law, which requires a force exerted by the inert stone upon the hand, and which can only be satisfied by an actual force, not a mere name?"

The Principles of Mechanics
Presented in a New Form
by Heinrich Hertz
Dover Publications, 1956, pp. 5-6.

The derived
spinoflon (sFL), resulted from the existence of the Spin, represents indeed the very first act of creation and, as such, we want now to take a closer look at the Spin --that primal tool of creation. 

no God here
as the Primal Tool of Creation  



1st FUTOS establishes that the Spin, and nothing else, is able to transform a XB-mass into a permanent XF-mass which thus, it represents the very first act of creation in Nature. As long as there is a Spin whose magnitude will not exceed a certain finite upper limit, called the critical spin (cS), the state of the XF-mass will be able to be preserved. When the critical spin (cS) is being achieved, the Spin plays now the role of a total destroyer and the creator of a residual XB-dust called xenodust (XD).

The xenofluid (XF) mass created by the Spin represents a new qualitative material environmental medium (MEM) of Nature and, as such, that primal creation of the Spin is foundational in its nature. Now, since all that transformation from xenobase (XB) to xenofluid (XF) happens in Prena which is the generator of the embryonal Nature, it follows that the Spin is indeed the primary tool of Creation in Nature. We mark that truly astonishing finding and recognition into



The Twelfth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (12th UTPOT)
Spin as the Primal Tool of Creation (PRITOC)

PriFormThe Spin, as the primal tool of Creation, must be responsible for the shaping-up of all Primeval Formations (PriForms) in Nature.

Asides from creating a new qualitative material medium of Nature --the structural xenofluid (sXF), the recognition that the Spin must be responsible for shaping-up the entire Nature is truly monumental. As we look around, "up" into the cosmos or "down" into the atom and below, we see that everything, without exception, spins! Wow!

It is as if somehow all objects of Nature would tell us:
   We are here because of the Spin!
   We are, in the way that we are, because of the Spin!

 Fundamental Corollary on the Universality of the Spinning Formations in Nature
Because of PRITOC, all cosmic formations of Nature are endowed, from their birth, with a Spin created from ANGU collisions.

To the spinoflons (sFLs) introduced above in the
1st FUTOS, we can associate now these results:
The Second Fundamental Universal Theorem Of Spin (2nd FUTOS):
Spin's Ascending Tendency (SAT)

The spin of a spinoflon-block can never decrease in magnitude.


The proof of this theorem springs from the fact that with each collision, a spinoflon-block can only increase the magnitude of its spin. And that is because of these two (2) observations:
. 1) that the axis of spin (AOS) is not fixed in space and, as such, with each additional collision the AOS of the spinoflon-block will be able to move and rotate freely in any direction. And,
. 2) that a rotation of 180º of the AOS amounts to a reversal in the direction of the spin.


The First Corollary to SAT:
Barring further collisions, a spinoflon-block has a perpetual state of existence.

This result is a direct consequence of SAT and of the 1st FUTOS describing the perma stage of a spinoflon's existence.


The Second Corollary to SAT: The Critical Spin
Colliding spinoflons can have a maximum constant magnitude of the Spin,
beyond which they will transform into xenorigid (XR) blocks or eventually transform into xenodust (XD)

The proof of this 2nd Corollary is straightforward, as with each increase of the Spin (resulted from additional collisions), the respective spinoflon will increase its material density until it will reach its maximum attainable density, the xenorigid (XR) state.
Beyond that
XR-state, by further continuously increasing its spin, a spinoflon (sFL) will eventually reach the critical spin (cS), disintegrating and transforming itself into xenodust (XD).


The Third Corollary to SAT: Spin as the Ultimate Terminator
Colliding spinoflons have a finite existence.

For the proof of this 3rd Corollary, we use the classical method employed in Mathematics called in Latin "Reductio ad Absurdum" ('Reduction to the Absurd' or 'Proof by Contradiction') that we have already used before.
.Let's assume then that there is a colliding spinoflon of infinite existence. That would imply that the respective spinoflon, by repeatedly increasing its spin, will be able to exceed the critical spin (cS) --an absurdity, of course, by the 2nd Corollary to SAT above.


The Third Fundamental Universal Theorem Of Spin (3rd FUTOS): Its changeability
spin directions:
                                                  clockwise or

All spins (S) and rotational circular motions are directional and can be grouped into two (2) commonly used clock directions:
the clockwise (S->) and
the counter-clockwise (S<-) referred also as anti-clockwise.
Through an
180º rotation of its axis of spin (AOS), the direction of the rotation can change from clockwise to counter-clockwise and vice-versa.

We continue now with this page by making these additional observations with respect to the Spin's fundamental role in shaping up Nature.

   Spin as the Ultimate Finite Cap Enforcer on Longevity for all Material Objects of Nature
.No material object in Nature has an infinite existence. The finitude in existence of Nature's material objects can be traced from its preexistent state --the Prena, through
The Ultimate Finitude (ULFI) Theorem of the Spin
No xenobase (XB) block in Prena can have an infinite existence.


We shall prove this theorem using again the well-known reductio ad absurdum method employed in Mathematics where we assume that the contrary is true and, using deductive reasoning, we reach an impossibility.

Let us then assume that there is in Prena a XB-block of infinite existence. Then, that object would have encountered a limitless number of collisions at an angle --each time, with each such a collision, its spin would have increased by SAT reaching eventually its critical spin (cS) of disintegration.


Remark: This ULFI theorem of the Spin is in tune with the finitude that characterize other physical parameters describing Nature as noted in FV-UMOC.



   Spin as the Ultimate Regulator of Capping or Fencing the Evolution's Ascension   

From the above succinct presentation of spinoflons (sFLs), we were able to see the emergence of a most remarkable dual property of the Spin:
  • that of being the primal underlying tool of creation and,
  • that of being the ultimate destroyer of unlimited ascension of evolution.

PURON That dual opposite roles of the Spin --that of the primeval creator and as the ultimate destroyer --is truly astonishing. Because of that stunning duality, we call the Spin as being the primal ultimate regulator of Nature (PURON).

If we define brute matter (bM) as being the admixture of xenobase (XB) and xenovoid (XV) and write this as bM={XBXV}, then it follows that bM is the immediate successor of prematter ( pM) i.e., pM={XBVO} and is the precursor or forerunner of matter (M), i.e., M={cXBXV}.

With the introduction of the brute matter (bM) concept, we are able to "see" now --through PURON-- the fundamental role that Spin has in the regulation of matter's ultimate rejuvenation cycle that is vested in the perpetual creation of "new" matter out of the brute matter (bM) that is being continuously replenished from the disintegration of the "old" matter. The fact that the Spin is able ultimately to destroy what it has created is most remarkable indeed as that establishes the underlying cyclical foundation upon which Nature operates.

GUECON We call that ultimate perpetual cycle of Nature produced by the Spin, the grand ultimate everlasting cycle of Nature (GUECON). The primeval XB-blocks of Prena gliding in space are indeed part of that GUECON. We mark that fundamental recognition into

The Thirteenth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (13th UTPOT):
The Spin as the
ultimate regulator of matter (UROM)

The Spin is not only the primal tool of starting evolution, but also is its ultimate regulator of matter (UROM) putting a cap or a fence of how far the evolution of matter can grow and ascend.
That is to say
, that the Spin ultimately would pave the way for evolution of matter to stay confined or fenced and not be allowed to ascend indefinitely.
That cap
, called uplevel cap (upC), is being achieved through an evolutionary self-destruction process of the entire ascended evolved matter, at the point or stage of evolution, when and where the Spin's magnitude is so great that it can no longer be supported or maintained by the created material object.

The Spin, as the foundational tool of creation and regulator of Nature, brings to the fore the concept of evolution --a subject that forms now our next page. So, if you are ready to continue, let's move on.

Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman