The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
8. On Evolution and its Fundamental Characteristics of Existence

As we have noted in the previous page, the derived spinoflon (sFL) represents the first act of primeval evolution and, as such, let us take a closer look at evolutionary acts that makes up Nature.


  On the Anatomy of Evolution  

In a previous page, we have viewed matter through a special "lens" --the
"baselevel lens" through which we were able to "see" the matter's ultimate objective of existence, called basevolution, and formulated it in the 8th UTPOT stating that matter has both a predisposition and an objective of staying at its simplest form of existence. The physical process designed to implement basevolution was called baseleveling and the physical law expressing all that was called Downlev considered to be the Ultimate Physical Law Of Nature (UPLON).

If nothing was out there to stop basevolution, then the end result would have been of a Nature containing only an inert matter --the xenobase (XB) that would have remained in that state indefinitely. That static or "frozen" picture emerging from that scenario is far from the reality of Nature that actually exists.

Indeed, Nature, as we actually see it and observe it, is totally different indeed from that inert picture of matter. Nature's matter is anything but stagnant or inert. Anywhere we look, "above" at its cosmic structure or "below" at its atomic structure, we see Nature to be a giant furnace with its matter bustling of activity !! (Our own existence, in fact, is the result of that bustling activity that matter has been engaged in.)

Another agent therefore must be present and at work which is capable not only of disturbing (a prerequisite as noted in UPE) and thus, opposing basevolution (that "baselevel" predisposition tendency of matter of staying and remaining unperturbed at its lowest base level of existence), but also to overpower it!

upT We call upvolution that new agent which must exist opposing basevolution and, call upleveling the upvolution's physical process of implementation, a process that has to work continuously in the opposite direction to the downward baseleveling. When and if upvolution is able to overpower basevolution, we say that it has achieved or obtained an upleveling triumph (upT).
PONSNot all upleveling processes will result in successful outcomes and that recognition reveals of the selective nature of Creation (SENOC). By the way, SENOC when transmitted to the "living matter" becomes the celebrated recognition of Charles Darwin's Principle Of Natural Selection (PONS) dubbed as "Survival of the Fittest."

Thus, an
upT represents the result of a successful upleveling act, i.e., the result of a winning battle, that can take some time to surface, over the entrenched downward baseleveling tendency.
upT, as it "pops-up" piercing to the "surface," will generate a passage point of Nature (PAPON) that is residing at an upper level of organization of matter (LOOM). It is important to recognize that a PAPON is creating a bottlenecked passage (BOPA) through which evolution is emerging and move ahead, creating, as such, an evolutionary passage (EvoPass).

Balinese Hindu
The level of organization of matter (LOOM) is an important cosmological concept as it revels the hierarchical evolutionary structure of matter and thus, of Nature. Through the lens of that layered configuration representing the evolutionary hierarchical stratification of matter, called the tiered evolutionary structure (TES), we can talk of the given primal base LOOM, of the follow-up particle LOOM, of the continuing follow-up atomic or chemical LOOM, of the still continuing follow-up molecular LOOM, of the continuing follow-up stellar LOOM, of the continuing follow-up galactic LOOM and finally, of the ultimate macrocosmic LOOM.

(The TES edifice is being illustrated symbolically through the figure at left of the tiered structure of the Balinese Hindu shrines.
The arena of existence (arex) of a LOOM, called loomex, is an integral part of the entire cosmological picture.)

BLOOM We call BLOOM the primeval baselevel (or the bottom level) of organization of matter. BLOOM by residing at the absolute bottom level of Nature is a given primeval entity and is being represented in Prena.

hiplon Each LOOM establishes a hierarchical platform (HIPLAT) through which Nature can be observed and studied. Collectively, the "elements" of a HIPLAT are called hiplons. A hiplon-element of a HIPLAT above the level of BLOOM is an aggregate of "elements" from the HIPLAT "below." That is to recognize that
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the primal base LOOM (aka, the BLOOM) are the given xenobase (XB) and the derived xenovoid (XV) blocks;
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the particle LOOM (being the primal or 1st LOOM) are the derived particles of Prena;
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the atomic or chemical LOOM (being the 2nd LOOM) are the derived atoms or chemical elements of Nature;
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the molecular LOOM (being the 3rd LOOM) are the derived molecules of Nature;
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the stellar LOOM (being the 4th LOOM) are the derived stars of Nature;
  • The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the galactic LOOM (being the 5th LOOM) are derived galaxies of Nature; and finally,
  • Spinoverse
    The "elements" of the HIPLAT corresponding to the macrocosmic (or spinocosmic) LOOM (being the 6th LOOM) are the spinoverses (i.e., the universes) that are derived to exist in Nature, with our Universe (called also Spinoverse so to reflect its spinning characteristic) being one of them.

    1. It is because of the spinning characteristic of the Universe, and not because of the speculative Big-Bang phenomenon, that galaxies the further away are from us, the faster they recede from us as discovered by Edwin Hubble. And that misinterpreted expansion of the Universe, reasoned to exist due to the discovered receding of galaxies, is in fact not due to an expansion of space. Galaxies are executing radial accelerated receiding motions because of the existing centrifugal force of the spinning Universe and nothing else!

    2. The Spin, by being the primal tool of creation (PRITOC), runs through all hiplons being their common underlying characteristic, called the spinning characteristic (spinchar). In the following pages, we will see how spinchar is born within each HIPLAT.

    3. Within a universe (including, of course, ours) the highest evolutionary HIPLAT is the one of the galactic Loom. That is to say, that in Nature no higher cosmic plateau of Nature (cosplon) can exist beyond the one of galaxies that are the evolutionary tops (evotops) of Nature. As such, the galaxy is the evolutionary ceiling mandated by the finite evolutionary mark of creation (FE-UMOC).


    Big Bang
    that never

evodis The material objects emerging from a BOPA, the hiplons, are the "elements" of a particular hierarchical LOOM. Each subsequent LOOM generated SHALOMout of the previous LOOM are said to be separated by an evolutionary distance (evodis). Thus, each such formed LOOM can be regarded as an evolutionary step in the steady hierarchical ascending ladder of matter (SHALOM) to be formed.

We thus can talk not only of matter at various levels of existence (i.e., of LOOMs of various levels), but also can talk about the evodises that exist between them. Arguably, we can plot those LOOMs, into a evolutionary step-like diagram that will represent a visualization of SHALOM through their evodises.


The punctuated string of upleveling triumphs (upTs) is called evolution. Thus, evolution is the end-results of successful upleveling acts. While a successful upleveling outcome is the result of a continuous process working non-stop in one (and only one) direction against downward baseleveling, the evolution is not a continuous phenomena or act, but is a punctuated one --emerging from PAPONs to the "surface" through the created bottlenecked passages (BOPAs).

That result and recognition that evolution occurs only in jumps or saltations (marked by its passage points --the PAPONs through which BOPAs are created), need not surprise us as it is consistent with the leaping (or the popping-up) principle of creation formulated in the 6th UTPOT. Those evolutionary natural pop-ups resulted from upleveling triumphs (upTs) are, for instance, in biology, Darwin's exponents or representants of his "natural selection" formations.

there is
                                                          no god here
It is important to stress, particularly for those who believe in the existence of a Creator (aka of a God), that in fact Darwin's natural selection process (coined to differentiate it from the artificial selection) is a self-selecting process in Nature as there is no outside power or Creator performing a selection of any sort!
.(As already noted, the recognition, that evolution is a punctuated rather than a continuous act, was first articulated in 1972 by Harvard University professors Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould.)

POEM Evolution, through its passage points (PAPONs), leaves a track or a pattern --the pattern of SHALOM, called also the pattern of evolution of matter (POEM), that is able to establish the evolution's history from its very inception. And speaking of the inception, let's now identify that inception together with the agent that was able to created it.


   On the Basic Requirements for Evolution to Emergence and Take Hold     

For something to be created to exist, we need to have both the necessary and the sufficient conditions for that to happen.

Evolution, as we have seen, is the exclusive product of the upleveling process. In the 2nd UTPOT, when we studied the primeval dynamics of Prena, we noted that evolution can occur (i.e., is capable of occurring) only when stability is being broken. That implies that something else was needed to take place for evolution to actually take place. In other words, the 2nd UTPOT established only the necessary but not the sufficient conditions that were required to exist for the evolution to emerge.
shiprot The sufficient conditions required to exist for the evolution to actually take place emerged from the above study herein. Indeed, from the study above, we were able to recognize that for evolution actually to emerge, it must have a shield protector (shiprot) of sorts that will be able to shield it from the downward baseleveling effect that is ingrained into the fabric of matter itself by gupem.
ZOA While shiprot's main nemesis is indeed gupem --that downward baseleveling agent that is ingrained into the fabric of matter, shiprot could have external nemeses that could doom evolution's very existence. As such, the shiprot itself must be shielded from any external factors that could penetrate into its zone of action (ZOA) and interfere with its function. And that is because the shiprot is not equipped to deal with any arbitrary external hostile factors.
.The shiprot's sole function is geared towards resisting the baseleveling agent and nothing else. Thus, as a prerequisite, it is required that its environment be free of any "impurities" or "contaminants" that could derail the shiprot's mission or existence. That means that the shiprot's ZOA must be in complete isolation from the rest, if such a rest does exist. Finally, the shiprot, asides from being a protective agent, must also be the agent that pushes unabated the upleveling process.

material evolution
matevIn Prena, and subsequently in the embryonal Nature (Embryna), all those conditions for the material evolution (matev) to be created and hold its existence are being satisfied. The creator of evolution is the Collision, the shield protector (shiprot) of matev is the Spin. The isolation needed for shiprot to function unabated is therein absolute, as outside Prena or Embryna, there is nothing else there that can produce any perturbation and, as such, there are no contamination of any sort in that primeval global scenario.

We mark all that recognition on the basic characteristics of the emergence of evolution into
The Fourteenth Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (14th UTPOT):
On the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Emergence of
Material Evolution (Matev).


.1. The Disturbance:
A primary agent or factor must exist that is able to break-up or disturb the dormancy or the inert state of matter that is protected by its inherent baselevel tendency.
.2. The Shield:
Upon the successful disturbance and break-up of baselevel tendency, a tool or mechanism, called toolon, must also exist or be formed that can shield the upleveling movement to continue to remain unperturbed.
.3. The Push:
The toolon needs not only be able to protect or to shield the upleveling process, but also it must be able to sustain it, through a continuous uninterrupted "upward" push.
.4. The Strangulation or the Bottlenecking:
The toolon, in its "upward" push, must eventually be able to pierce a "hole" into the current state (i.e., into the current LOOM) from where the upleveling triumph (upT) can be channeled to emerge forming a new passage point of Nature (PAPON) that is creating a bottleneck passage (BOPA).
.5. The Isolation:
Finally, the toolon itself needs protection from its environment to isolate it from various external contaminants which, by entering into its environment, could doom, derail, or alter its pre-designed capabilities.

(Of course, for a virgin, free of contaminants in the surrounding environment, i.e., for a virgin ZOA, this condition is automatically satisfied.)

Remark: In Prena and thus in Embryna, the primary agent of evolution is the Collision, and the toolon is the Spin. The xenofluid (XF) represents the very first upleveling triumph (upT) of Nature. Finally, let us note that since evolution is above all an act of creation, it must observe all the characteristics of creation enunciated in the 4th UTPOT.


XEP A material evolutionary formation created into one place, by the multitude existential mark of creation (ME-UMOC), will be able to be created in other places from the same plateau. This production of a multitude of similar formations, within the same plateau, called xenoproduction (XEP), will generate a loomex for the newly created LOOM.

Remark: XEP of inanimate mater is the precursor of the biological reproduction processes (asexual and sexual) of the animated "living" matter.

Thus, the emergence of a new evolutionary
LOOM is based on the existence of the ME-UMOC that now has evolved into
The Fifteen Universal Transcendental Principle Of TRUTON (15th UTPOT):
On the Underlying
POEM of Material Evolution

The autonomous characteristic of evolution, emerging through various PAPONs, is the underlying POEM through which all new hierarchical Level Of Organization of Matter (LOOM) are being formed.

Now that we have grasped the concept of
evolution and recognize to be the only mechanism of creation, let us see where that path of evolution will take us.

We know, in advance, that matter has evolved from some primary particles, to the formation of atoms and molecules, to the formations of stars and planets, to the formation of galaxies --on one hand and, we also know on the other hand, that the inanimate brute matter was able eventually to branch out, on Earth, into a different kind of matter --the animated matter represented by something that we call Life that lead to the formation of organic matter.
EBAnd the evolution of that branched matter --the animated matter, is the subject of TRUTON's biological section --the Evolutionary Biology (EB) section.


Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman