The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

by Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of matter and motion,
and I will build, out of them, the world of Nature.
"Give me matter, and I will construct a world out of it."
Immanuel Kant, Kant's Cosmology
("Universal Natural History and Theory Of Heavens")
9. The Xenofluid as the Environmental Material Medium of Nature

From ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century, it was widely presumed that the cosmic space (cospa) of Nature is not made of vacuum, but that it must be made of some sort of material medium that is responsible for the transmission of all forces and interactions governing Nature.

                                                          Abhors Vacuum
Natura Abhorret Vacuum
  (Nature Abhors Vacuum)  


Until the 20th century, the Aristotle conjecture of the non-existence of an absolute cosmic vacuum in Nature was universally accepted. Planets and all other cosmic objects were assumed to travel through a material medium that later, from the 16th century on, was called aether
(spelled also as ether) hypothesized to exist and considered to be the medium of transmission for all forces and interactions in Nature. The propagation of light in the 17th century was explained through the existence of that aether medium of space called also the luminiferous aether (literally meaning the light-carrier aether).

Trouble with the aether medium concept began to mount when no one could determine its physical properties nor even its structure. Speculations over speculations were advanced with respect to its nature complicating to the extreme its status.

mimoex A number of experiments were devised to detect the existence of that elusive aether culminating with the most famous one, done in 1887, by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley. That experiment, known as the Michelson-Morley experiment (mimoex), has shown conclusively that, contrary to expectations, no drag could be found to exist for the moving Earth in the postulated aether medium of space.

That null or negative result posed therefore a formidable dilemma of how such a material medium could exist, in the first place, with having such a bizarre property. Various cospa explanations were given for explaining the null result of mimoex, most notable being that of George FitzGerald and Hendrik Lorentz through an envisioned length contraction that is known today as the Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction.

D. I. Mendeleyev

D. I. Mendeleyev

Pierre A.

Pierre A. Larousse
Notwithstanding the doubts that a
luminiferous aether could exist as a space-filling medium in cosmos, the chemists of that era were not ready of abandoning the aether in cospa.

The prominent chemist Dimitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev, in an attempt to rescue and hold the aether concept into his theory of the Periodic Table, published (in Russian in 1903 that was translated into English in 1904) his rather lengthy work entitled "An Attempt Towards a Chemical Conception of the Ether." There, he began by taking exception to Pierre Larousse's description of the aether that he posted in his celebrated "Dictionnaire Complet" as follows, as noted by Mendeleyev:
Larousse's Concept of the
Mendeleyev's refutal of that existing aether representation posted by Larousse was based on the conception of that time, that the aether was of a corpuscular nature. In TRUTON, that assumed corpuscular foundation of the aether is being replaced with the continuum nature of the cosmic space filling medium, through the xenofluid concept. And, with that foundational change from corpuscular to continuum, the above Larousse representation of the aether is in concert with the attributes of the xenofluid medium [sic!].

Continuing with this history of the aether, Albert Einstein, in his 1905 paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (translated from "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Kõrper"and posted in the book "The Principle of Relativity" by Lorentz, Einstein, Minkowski and Weyl; Dover Publications, 1952, pp. 37-65), noted that the Lorentz transformations can be obtained without the assumption of the existence of an aether medium under his lunatic Special Theory of Relativity (STR).

As a result of that work by Einstein, the existence of the aether medium, filling out the entire space of Nature, was abandoned altogether and replaced instead with the unthinkable --the vacuum medium!! That staggering turn of direction that is still embraced today by the new, "modern" Physics defies indeed all logic, comprehension and all known physical laws of Nature...

To abandon the aether concept and consider cospa to be devoid of a material medium is to us, as it was to Isaac Newton, such a monumental absurdity that only a clinically insane or a severely brainwashed person can ever fall into that unfathomable road of the abyss.

On that point of clinical insanity, Newton noted that much in a letter to his friend Richard Bentley, the Master of Trinity College in Cambridge, UK:

"... that one body may act upon another at a distance through a vacuum, without the mediation of any thing else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it."

Sir Isaac Newton's Principia, vol. II, University of California Press, 1966, p. 634.

FEP The recognition of
Aristotle with a strong reinforcement by Newton with respect to rejecting the existence of the absolute vacuum in the cosmic space is now being elevated in TRUTON into this Fundamental Exclusionary Principle (FEP):
Aristotle-Newton Exclusionary Principle (ANEP)
Absolute vacuum is not part of Nature, but part only of Prena.

In TRUTON, the concept of the
embryonal Nature (eN) called Embryna eliminates the existence of absolute vacuum (AVA) that is being transformed into the existence of the xenovoid (XV). The cosmic space (cospa) does not contain absolute vacuum (AVA), but it contains xenofluid (XF) and xenovoid (XV) as a medium.

And yes, as you may have recognized, it is a foremost goal of TRUTON, to reverse the preposterous course that the "modern" Physics has taken with the advent of the lunatic theories of space and time, where the aether medium is being substituted with the vacuum medium, as advanced by Albert Einstein and his lured followers...

All matter comes
                                                from Tesla
Nikola Tesla: All matter comes from a primary aether.
The long held and troubled concept of the aether medium, can now be restored on a new foundation of the continuum, through the introduction of the xenofluid (XF) medium.

The fallacy of the existed aether concept sprang from the fact that its foundation was based on a corpuscular platform instead of the continuum one that the xenofluid medium can provide.

memos The fundamental recognition
, of the pivotal role that the material environmental medium of cosmos (memoc) has, was already noted in the Aristotle-Newton-Archimedes Principle (ANAP) and in the FUCO (to the 11th UTPOT).

As such, it is time now indeed to take a closer look at the xenofluid (XF) that was introduced and derived from compressing a xenobase (XB) mass:

the greater the compression is, the greater the density of the formed XF-mass is going to be.

Since the xenofluid (XF) is not a
given entity, but is a derived entity created out of the xenobase (XB), it follows that all properties of the xenofluid must be derived and not be given. Thus, the fundamental question that is now facing us is:

From where the properties of XF will spring?

Well, upon reflection, the xenofluid (XF) properties must spring and be transmitted from these two (2) major venues or fronts:
  • (A) one, from the properties of the xenobase (XB); and
  • (B) the another, from the recognition that the XF is a container of ergoenergy (erE) that is ingrained into its fabric that forms its ergosea (erS), which will dictate XF to react, through its ergoflows (erFLOs), towards (or away from) all its embedded objects pursuant to the ergodynamics (erdy) dictated by Downlev whose objective is the Baseolution.

On the Primary Characteristics of the Xenofluid

With respect to the venue (A), we formulate the XF's primary characteristics vested in
The First Unified Theorem Of Creation (1st UTOC):
Xenofluid (XF) as the Very First Act of Creation

The very first act of material creation is the formation of the xenofluid (XF) whose properties of characterizations are as follows:

1. THAT the origin of existence of the xenofluid (XF) is the xenobase (XB). Out of the XB
state of existence (stofex), the Collision can create two distinct stofexes:

one, a stable, permanent, long-living, non-homogeneous XF stofex revealed in the 1st FUTOS, and called rotational xenofluid (roXF), and
the other,
a minute-living, homogeneous XF
stofex resulted from Headon collisions, and called the linear xenofluid (liXF).

2. THAT XF is a continuum, non-structural material substance. We call that, the
continuum characteristic (conchar) of XF stofex.

3. THAT the environmental xenofluid (eXF) has a natural tendency to decompress, called the XF's
renormalization (RENO) propery, to reach its default state --the baselevel state (BLS) that is xenobase (XB) state.

4. THAT XF has a
resistance to compression (RECO) whose strength is function of XF's density: the greater the density of XF is, the greater the RECO's strength is.

5. THAT XF cannot be compressed or decompressed indefinitely without loosing its XF stofex. There is an ultimate maximum and minimum density that the xenofluid (XF) stofex can have:


. i) At the low-end, where RECO has a low value, the xenofluid (XF) is said to be in the "thinnest" state of existence (stofex) and called xenothin (XT). At the ultimate low-end, the xenothin (XT) if further decompressed, it looses its fluid stofex and transforms into a new stofex --the xenobase (XB).

.ii) At the high-end, where RECO has a high finite value, the xenofluid (XF) is said to be in a new (stofex) and called xenogel (XG). At the ultimate high-end, the xenogel (XG) is said to become "saturated." The saturated xenogel (sXG) if further compressed, it will transform into a new stofex --the xenorigid (XR).

6. THAT in each point of a rotational xenofluid (roXF), a balance, called xenobalance (XEBA), is always maintained between all forces associated with the Spin --on one hand, and XF's RECO --on the other hand.

7. THAT XF has no resistance towards decompression or stretch -- called the
Yield Decompression (Yieldec) property.

8. THAT XF cannot be decompressed or stretched indefinitely. There is a maximum stretch limit, called baselimit (BALI), when XF transforms back into the xenobase (XB) state. Beyond BALI no decompression or stretch is possible

9. THAT any two XF-masses through collision can unite into one single XF-mass provided that the force of collision is greater than the
RECO strength of each of the respective colliding XF-mases. Because of that requirement or condition that needs to exist for the union to take place, we call this property of XF as being its conditional xenointegrativity (COXI) property.


For Point 1:
.In Prena, a XB-block (say, XB0) by being hit simultaneously on its frontal and dorsal sides by other gliding XB-blocks will be squished as in a sandwich that could result in the compression of the XB0 transforming it into a homogeneous xenofluid mass say, XF0, called the linear xenofluid (liXF). That XF state of the XF0-mass, however, will be short lived because of its baseleveling, that will dictate that the XF0 return at once to its default state --the xenobase (XB) state.
.For collisions at an angle, a Spin is going to be generated for the colliding XB-masses that, by the 1st FUTOS, will transform them into long-living, self-sustained, non-homogeneous xenofluid (XF) mass called the rotational xenofluid (roXF).

For Point 2:
.Because the xenobase (XB) mass is a continuum, non-structural entity, that continuum characteristic (COCH) is being preserved and transmitted through compression.

For Point 3:
.RENO --is derived from the tendency of the ergosea (erS) to expand to reach its ergobase (erB) state through baseleveling pursuant to matter's ultimate objective of existence --the Baseolution. Accordingly, that renormalization (RENO) tendency increases with erS's ergolevel (erL) density, i.e., with the called ergodensity (erD), and hence with the XF's density.

For Point 4:
.RECO is a direct consequence of RENO. The greater the XF's density is, the greater the strength of RECO is going to be which always equals the strength of RENO.

For Point 5:
. Here we note that by the finite value mark of creation (FV-MOC), XF cannot be compressed or decompress indefinitely. As such, the existence of the extreme states of existence --the xenothin (XT) and the xenogel (XG) are straightforward results.

For Point 6:
. XEBA is derived in the 1st FUTOS.

 For Point 7:
. Yieldec --the Yield Decompression property in a rotational xenofluid (roXF) is a direct consequence of XEBA and RENO.

For Point 8:
. XF cannot be decompressed beyond its "bottom" stofex --the xenobase (XB) because of XB's UBAR property.

For Point 9:
.If the force of collision of two XB-masses is greater in magnitude than that of their respective RECOs, then their respective hitoforces (hFs) can be infused one into another creating the necessary and sufficient condition for their unification. That is COXI --the conditional xenointegrativity property of the xenofluid (XF).


On the Evolved Characteristics of the Xenofluid From the Xenobase
Xenobase (XB)
Xenofluid (XF)
  • It has the lowest material resistance towards compression:
    -- Base Resistance to Compression (BAREC) property.
  • It cannot be stretched and thus be penetrated through
    --Unstretchable Base Resistance (UBAR) property.
  • It has an increased resistance towards compression that increases with its density:
    --the RECO property.
  • It has no resistance towards stretch and thus, it yields to decompression (yieldec) and hence, it opposes no resistance for the movement of its objects (up to an upper speed limit dictated by GUTOM below).

With respect to the venue (B), we note that this subject has been already treated with the introduction of ergoflows (erFLOs) pursuant to Downlev.



  On the Motion of Objects in Their Xenofluid Medium  

The motion of objects in a material medium has been studied a long time, going back to antiquity. Some 2000 years ago, Aristotle (circa 335 BC to 322 BC), who vehemently rejected the existence of an absolute vacuum in Nature, noted this much in his book of Physics:

19. (4) "In a void there is no reason why a thing should stop here rather than there; so if it moves at all, it will move for ever." And,
22. (5) "Things are supposed to move into a void because it is yielding; but a void is equally yielding everywhere, so that there should be movement in every direction."

Aristotle's Physics.
Revised text with Introduction and commentary by Sir W. David Ross;
1998 Oxford University Press; pp. 380-381, § 215(a) points 19(4) and 22(5)

For the air medium, Aristotle reasoned that in order for an object to continue and maintain its existing motion in the air, a
propellant of some sort, generated by the air, must exist that will push from behind the moving object. He articulated all that in his stated Physics as follows:

14. (3) "Projectiles continue to move when that which propelled them is no longer in contact with them, either by virtue of mutual replacement, [as some maintain ***], or because the air propelled behind them propels them with a movement quicker than their natural movement to their own place." (underline supplied.)

(ibidem ): Aristotle's Physics, p. 380, § 215(a) point 14(3) and 22(5).
*** [See that insertion incorporated in the Richard MsKeon 2001 edition of
The Basic Works of Aristotle,
Modern Library Paperback edition --the Physics section, point 15, p. 284]

Since no propellant mechanism was ever able to be envisioned to be produced by the surrounding air environment, that propellant idea of Aristotle, after many centuries on the books, was in the end abandoned.

The aether medium that had followed and which, from 16th century on, dominated all thinking with respect to the nature of the cosmic space, was as well abandoned, with the advent of Albert Einstein's lunatic theories of space and time, as noted above.

The xenofluid medium that TRUTON brings in here to represent the material fabric of the cosmic space is implanted on a new foundation of Nature from where it is hoped that the new dramatic vista that begins to shape up will usher us into seeing more clearly the rationality of the Nature's modus operandi.


  On the Xenofluid Medium as the Grand Regulator of Motion  

Three (3) outstanding issues with respect to motion have been "floating" around for quite some time, perceived to be unrelated and with having different origins.

1. The oldest, and perhaps the most vexing is the one with respect to Principle Of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) articulated in Sir Isaac Newton's FLOM. WHY inertia exist in the first place? and, WHAT could be its origin? astonishingly to this very day have remained unanswered.

Indeed, for instance, the late distinguished Physics Nobel Laureate Professor Richard Feynman, noted this much in his book "The Character of Physical Law" (1965, MIT Press, p. 19):

"... the motion to keep the planet going in a straight line has never been found out. The reason why things coast for ever has never been found out. The law of inertia has no known origin." [underline supplied]

2. The second vexing problem is related to
Edwin Hubble's discovery in 1929 that the galaxies and quasars appear to be moving faster and faster from us displaying an accelerated motion that increases with distance. SPATIAL VOLUME EXPANSIONOn its face, that discovery appeared to be in conflict with the Principle Of Absolute Inertia (Pofai). Apparently, to avoid that clash with Pofai, it was reasoned that the spatial volume of the Universe must be expanding --an idea introduced two years earlier by the bishop Monseigneur Georges Lemaitre's willy-nilly speculative cosmological model (called today as the Big Bang model) asserting that the spatial volume of the Universe is continuously expanding at an accelerated rate (figure at right).
The Universe is
                                                  NOT expanding
For crying out
The space of the Universe is NOT expanding. The objects of the Universe fly apart NOT because the Universe is expanding, but because of the
centrifugal force of the spinning Universe, for crying out loud.

Since that preposterous willy-nilly Big Bang cosmological model has no place in TRUTON, (see, below), we need thus to face head-on with that phantasmal issue as well.

3. The third issue, that we need to face is to figure out WHY there must be a maximum finite maximum speed for the moving objects of the Universe as dictated by our finite value mark of creation (FV-MOC). Albert Einstein, out-of-the-blue, with no reasoning or Physics behind, postulated that the speed of light c is the maximum attainable speed in Nature. He, of course, had to invent that postulate so that his preposterous relativistic mass formula to have any mathematical sense!
.Since in TRUTON, we have no use for willy-nilly speculations, we need to find out the real physical mechanism prohibiting moving objects to exceed a particular maximum finite speed called the critical speed.

So, as you can see, we have a full plate in front of us!

The environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium, as noted above, must hold the key in unifying those three apparently isolated results. The unification of seemingly unrelated parts of the same phenomena, such as motion, must be central in TRUTON if it is to stay true to its name to represent The Real/Rational Unified Theory Of Nature. Well then, if you are ready, let us go after that sought unification with respect to the stated three points on motion.

The Grand Unified Theorem Of Motion (GUTOM)
In the Xenofluid Medium:
flying comet

1. On the Limited Applicability of Principle of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) in a Xenofluid Medium:

In Nature, only at relatively moderate cosmic speeds, the Principle of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) is ruling the motions of objects pursuant to Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion.

On the Cosmic Accelerated Motions:

All cosmic objects that are not on the axis of spin of the system, are in an accelerated radial motion, as first observed and documented by Edwin Hubble.

On the Maximum Critical Speed of Objects in Motion:

Objects moving in a xenofluid medium cannot travel beyond a maximum finite speed, called the critical speed, because, at that speed, their very existence ceases to exist being disintegrated and transformed into a burst of intense radiation.


We begin first by noting that the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium, because of its permanency, is a rotational xenofluid (roXF) endowed with a density that increases linearly with the distance from the axis of spin (AOS) as derived in the 1st FUTOS. An essential characteristic of that rotational xenofluid (roXF) is that in each of its off-AOS points the XEBA property is present.



Now the proof of Points #1 and #3 is a straightforward consequence of xenofluid's
Yield Decompression (yieldec) property with the additional recognition that objects that travel faster than the speed of RENO will be crushed by the frontal environmental xenofluid medium (eXF) that has been transformed into an impenetrable xenobase (XB) wall --the basenet.

Therefore, there will be a maximum finite speed for the high-speed moving object, called the critical speed , that will be so big that it will stretch the frontal eXF until it will reach its "bottom" i.e., the basenet that is a concave xenobase (XB) membrane. When that happens, that concave XB-wall created (i.e., the basenet) will crush the incoming high-speed moving object as nothing, but absolutely nothing, can penetrate through a XB-wall as noted in UBAR. A burst of intense splattered radiation, proportional to the object's mass, will be the end result of that ultimate crash.

For objects that travel at a speed lower that the one of RENO, they will not face a basenet as their frontal eXF will always remain in the xenofluid (XF) state because, in those cases, the XEBA equilibrium always is done within a xenofluid (XF) medium.

For proving Point #2, we note that the radial centrifugal (CF) force has become an environmental propellant (to use Aristotle's lingo used above) that will push from behind the moving object with an increased strength with the increase of distance from the AOS. As such, in our spinning Universe, from the many existing spinning universes, their cosmic objects accelerate with the increase of their distances from the universe's AOS.



 1st Fundamental Remark (1st FUREM) on Motion

The staggering result that the Principle of Absolute Inertia (Pofai) is not an universal principle in Nature shows a remarkable selection process of the environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium for its embedded objects. And that selection is based on keeping unperturbed the objects that are capable of satisfying Pofai and, of eliminating the rest of them through a process that is forcing them to reach the critical speed and hence, force them to disintegrate and perish! The underlying origin of that truly remarkable selective process displayed by the eXF is vested in PURON.

Yes, all high-speed cosmic objects of Nature, once formed, are doomed to perish through the above described self-destruction process that is part of the grand ultimate everlasting cycle of Nature (GUECON).
This theorem presented herein presents a complementary result to both the 1st and 2nd Corollary to METOS, and thus, it gives a complemented insight into Nature's ultimate modus operandi.

 2nd Fundamental Remark (2nd FUREM) on Motion:

The disintegration of a cosmic object reaching its critical speed will generate electromagnetic (EM) radiation.

Because of the concavity of the XB-wall that is perpendicular to the object's direction of motion, the electromagnetic radiation emanated will follow the curvature of the concavity of the xenobase wall. Thus, the curvature of propagation of the electromagnetic radiation is not due because the Space itself has an inherent curvature as currently is being assumed through the willy-nilly lunatic postulate in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (GTR), but, as seen, it is because of entirely different reasons and concepts.

Thus, from this succinct Remark, we were able to see not only HOW the electromagnetic radiation propagates, but also WHY it is always propagating transversal and not longitudinal and also, we can see now, WHY that radiation is having a curvature.

The same radiation curvature exists, as we have noted and demonstrated, for the situation when the environmental medium is not the xenofluid (XF), but is the xenovoid (XV).

cacagarAll these results are capable indeed to put an end to Einstein's lunatic theories of Space and, clean-up the current created "new" Physics from the massive spacetime collective academic garbage (cacagar) that has been accumulated over the last century.

 3rd Fundamental Remark (3rd FUREM) on Motion:

As noted before, in 1927, the Belgian priest turned physicist, Georges Lemaitre advanced a speculative cosmological theory, now known as the Big-Bang theory, where it was speculated, out-of-the-blue, that our Universe resulted from a willy-nilly explosion of a point of infinite density mass and temperature. Two years later, the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the further away galaxies and quasars are from us, the faster they seem to be receding from us. And that remarkable discovery,
Big Bang
that never
known today as the Hubble's Law, was interpreted erroneously as the big proof of the expansion of the Universe as speculated by Lemaitre's Big-Bang hocus-pocus act of creation.

Hubble's remarkable discovery, is nothing of that sort, but is a straightforward and magnificent consequence of this theorem presented herein.

PS. The current justification and embracement of the Big-Bang speculative theory was perhaps best encapsulated by Steven Weinberg who made this argument in his November 3, 2013 article entitled "Physics: What We Do and Don't Know" in The New York Review of Books:

"Oddly, little attention was given to an obvious conclusion: if the galaxies are rushing apart, there would have been a time in the past when they were all crunched together."

Well, well, that rather puerile reasoning and inference is absolutely wrong. If one is to follow that ill-founded puerile rationale, then, for example, one would have to conclude that all rivers on Earth must have originated from one singular point or place! The fallacy of that reasoning is quite straightforward. In fact, that fallacy is directly contradicted in TRUTON by its
multitude existence mark of creation (ME-UMOC) that states that

"a material state of existence that was able to be created in one place, can be created in a multitude of other places of similar conditions as there is no rationale from barring that to happen."

Big-Bang ill-founded foundation would imply that all galaxies originated from one singular point or place [sic!]. But,

That scenario would imply that all stars and thus galaxies, presumed to originate from one single point or place, are, in fact, of the same age --an absurdity contradicted by all the existing astronomical data.

To get rid of that inevitable absurd inference, another speculation out-of-the-blue was introduced namely that the original homogeneous mass point or place has somehow later been transformed, hocus-pocus, through some sort of dilatation, into a non-homogeneous mass allowing the stars (and thus the galaxies) to be formed at various intervals of time.

                                                          advances one
                                                          funeral at a
Max Planck
In addition, that speculated, purported Big-Bang assumes that its origin point or place of existence has had an infinite mass-point density and an infinite temperature --an absurdity of cosmic proprtions that defies all physical laws of Nature.

PIACAs already noted, in TRUTON, the stars and galaxies originate from various different places at various different times consistent with the principle of ME-UMOC that is done through processes of accretion generated from collisions --the primal initiator and agent of creation (PIAC).

Finally, with all this being said, we add now that

The reason that galaxies are "rushing apart" (from ourselves and from themselves) is NOT because the Universe is expanding from an origin point or place, but is because of the centrifugal (CF) body force of the spinning Universe.

In addition, its environmental xenofluid (eXF) medium forces the cosmic formations created (at various times and places in the spinning Universe) to speed up outwards, pursuant to point 2 of GUTOM theory presented hereinabove.

In this page, we have seen what "influence" the environmental xenofluid (eXF) exerts on its objects with respect to their movements. Now, before going any further and inquiring what other "influences" the eXF could have on its embedded objects, we need first to establish what type of objects are there to begin with, that are being formed, in the embryonal stage of Nature. And that is the subject of the next page. The primal particles of Nature, called primons (PRIMs), are looming indeed at the horizon...!

Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman