Evolutionary Biology Through the Foundation of
• T R U T O N •
The Rational Unified Theory Of Nature

Kalman Klim Brattman
Give me the simplest form of life,
and I will build, out of it, the biological world of Nature...


Evolutionary Biology


1. Ecological Niches

The ecological habitat (ecohab) of a species is characterized by a number of defining parameters (defipars) branched out into two major categories: the abiotic (abi) and the biotic (bio) ones, as described below,


The abiotic defipar by being the food sources, the water sources, the light sources, the climate, the temperature ranges, the altitude, the type (terrestrial, aquatic, or aerial), and the territorial boundaries.

and with

The biotic defipar by being represented by the living predators.


The ecohab, as such, is an ecological fermenting (ecoferm) arena where the successful species create their unique ecological enclaves called ecological niches (ecolons or econiches). An ecological packing (ecopack or ecopacking) is being administered to ecohab by the successful species.

To illustrate the ecopacking mechanism,
we provide a thought scenario, as follows:
Bird Let the ecohab be a grandiose tree and let consider that a type of bird, identified as the Y-bird, populates on, and feeds from, the top of the tree.
, assume that another type of bird, identified as R-bird, has arrived to occupy and to feed from the tree. A fight will emerge between the two bird species Y and R, pursuant to Darwin's natsel. Assuming that the resident Y-birds become victorious, for the defeated R-birds, two and only two, scenarios could exist: either the R-birds perish or they are able to adapt to occupy the area below the top of the tree. With that adaptation of the R-birds, a peaceful coexistence takes place.
, let's assume now that the grandiose tree attracts another type of bird, identified as B-bird. Another fight will commence, pursuant to Darwin's natsel, between the intruding B-birds and the two resident birds Y and R. Assuming again that the resident birds become victorious, for the defeated B-birds again the only scenarios that could emerge are either that they will perish, or that they could adapt of living at the bottom of the tree. All that is being illustrated below:
Niche partition

Remark: From the presented ecopacking mechanism, one attribute stands out: the adaptability to change (adaptoc).
Only species that possess an ability to adapt to an environmental change will survive and trive, those that do not, will perish.
That adaptoc attribute and characteristic of survival was first recognized in 1859 by Charles Darwin in his seminal work "On the Origin of the Species" as marked below:
Darwin on
adaptoc inheritance of a species i.e., of the ability of a species to adapt to its environment through learning and remembering is, as we have seen from the ecopacking mecchanism, essential for its survival. As such, successful species would incorporate a cognitive mechanism, called biotelligence, capable of remembering the "good" and the "bad" of their environment and using that stored information for creating or shaping their environment for better survival conditions.

As such, because of the paramount role of biotelligence in delivering adaptoc, we say that species endowed with most enhanced biotelligence are best equiped to survive.
(More information on the subject is to be found in the Biowareness page.)


On Speciation Ecopacking (Specpack)
Charles Darwin, the "species problem" was how one would correctly identify one species from another, in short, how well-defined species are in the light of their great varieties. Darwin in his seminal book "On the Origin of Species" (1859) offered an explanation of HOW species evolve and diversify, but not WHY some species can be so close morphologically and biologically to each other.
BirdWell, closeness of some species are due to the ecopacking that the successful species "packed" into their ecohab.
The thought bird example provided
above is an example of such a speciation ecopacking (specpack).

  Defining Terran Life (Terralife) at its Ultimate Chemical Level  
natselevolife As we have seen, plants and algae convert Carbon Dioxide to organic matter through the process of photosynthesis. Natural Selection (natsel), as we have seen, continuously transforms the landscape of Life's ecolons by modifying their numbers and bondaries. With the recognition that the evolution of Life (evolife) cannot be separated from natsel, NASA erroneously defined Life (at its ultimate chemical level of existence),

as being a self-sustained chemical system capable of Darwinian evolution. 

origin of life

poplifeWell, that NASA definition of Life is unacceptable in here for the reason of being placed too higher up in the tiered evolutionary structure (TES) of Life. You see, the origin of Life does not have its roots in Darwin's Natural Selection (natsel) principle, but its popup roots are in something totally different as we have seen in here.

Now, the POPlife once formed, was required to have, for its continuous existence and development, food, defense (from hostile environmental activity), and shelter. That trio (food, defense, shelter) and denoted as fodesh, forms the existential platform (exiPLAT) of Life that continuously is being chiseled by Natural selection (natsel).
survexobexAs such, we can talk about Life's objective of existence (obex) as being that of survival existence (survex), residing on the exiPLAT. Using TRUTON's lingo, we say that Life's obex is natsel modulo survex.

Towards achieving that obex, natsel created stunning defense mechanisms against predators (through elaborate camouflages and mimicries) that were incorporated also into strategies for grabbing their preys.

Another side of Life's existential expansion of its exiPLAT is that, through natsel, it become adept in plundering more rapidly its existing habitat accelerating, as such, inadvertently, the depletion of its own habitation. That inadvertent deterioration, created additional survival pressure for the Life. Thus, the emerging accelerated downgrading tendency of Life's habitation acted in opposition to the steady evolutionary uplifting of its exiPLAT.
skeb Now, in the ecolon, a skewed ecological balance (skeb) was progressively shaping up between the two opposing emerging tendencies (suppression by the dominant species and degradation of the habitat), with the degradation gaining the upper hand that began now threatening the very existence of Life.
ecotilt The result of that ecological tilt (ecotilt), as shocking as it may appear to be, that Life --at its apex-- becames strangulated by its own success, setting the seeds, through its strangulated habitat (stranghab), for its demise, is being now recognized in here through
The Finitude Theorem Of Life (FINITOL) in a
Life of the dominant and most successful living of any subjugated ecolon cannot continue to evolve, develop and expand in perpetuity.


#1. The evolution of Life is propelled by Darwin's Natural Selection (Natsel) process which, by 5th FURON, was already proven to have a finite evolutionary existence. Thus, the FINITOL is fully established. A 2nd proof of FINITOL is provided below.

#2. Any ecolon has in it a succesful dominant species (domispec). That evolutionary success (evocess) allows domispec to increase exponentially the number of its offspring with no end in sight. But that is in contradiction to the Ultimate Finitude (ULFI) Theorem that was derived from point 6 of The Ultimate Marks of Creation (UMOCs) where it is stated that:

"No physical processes can exist in Nature without a finite end. We call that finitude characteristic, the finite value mark of creation (FV-UMOC)."

critev EcograveThus, the evocess of domispec evolves to the critical evolutionary (critev) point where the ecolon has been transformed into becoming the domispec's own ecological graveyard (ecograve).


Sel-induced Mass Extinction
  The Grand Corollary of FINITOL: Mass Extinctions (Massexes)  


  1. The Self-Induced Mass Extinction (SIMEX)  
                                        mass extinction
SIMEXdinosaurThe dominating species (say, a herbivore), of an entire habitat say, the terrestrial habitat (terrahab), will rapidly be able to overpopulate the land. Being a herbivore, it will gradually deplete the entire vegetation which was not able to be replenished out the massive onslaught that it has received. Deprived of the food (i.e., of the vegetation) and of the oxygen (that has been produced by the vegetation), that dominant species was doomed to self-extinction. By the way, that was exactly what happened with the dinosaur's extinction.

PS> BTW: The human species will have an identical fate to the one of the dinosaur as expanded further below and in the next page. We are now at the beginning of that self-destructive phase.

Outer Induced Mass Extinction
2. The Outer Induced Mass Extinction (OIMEX)

OIMEX Asides from the inner self-induced mass extinction (simex) triggered by a land dominant species, the aquatic habitat (aquahab) itself could trigger mass extinction caused by sudden catastrophic events such as volcanic activity. As such, we can have outer induced mass extinction (oimex) caused by sudden underwater volcanic eruptions. Such events occurred indeed in the past wiping out almost the entire marine life.

The reason for that catastrophic event was because of the sudden rise of temperature and depletion of the oxygen that were at a level where Life no longer was able to be suported.

Cosmic Induced Mass Extinction
3. Cosmic Induced Mass Extinction (CIMEX)

 CIMEX cacagarArguably cosmic induced mass extinction (cimex) events could also impact the survivability of Life on Earth. However the probability of such cosmic catastrophic event to take place is practically nonexistent. The massive speculative cosmic theories that are floating around are just that: cosmic academic garbage (cacagar). The academic literature covering that fantasy needs indeed to find its proper place in the massive academic trash that exponentially has been accumulating.


  On the Re-Emergence of Life After Mass Extinction  

From the central tenets of TRUTON articulated in the Ultimate Marks Of (Material) Creation (UMOCs), we choose two of them:
one, vested in the
permanent existential mark of creation (PE-UMOC), which states that

"An existing non-null state can never ever be made to disappear and thus be reduced or transformed into Nothingness --an entity devoid of everything but its own existence." [emphasis supplied.]

and the other, vested in the
multitude existential mark of creation (ME-UMOC), which states that

"A material state of existence that was able to be created in one place, can be created in a multitude of other places of similar conditions as there is no rationale from barring that to happen." [emphasis supplied.]

Armed with those two (2) tenets, we can now formulate
The Everalsting Principle Of Life (EPOL)

As long as Earth continues to remain a planet and keeps the same orbit around the Sun, the Cycle of Life (Cycol) will always be part of its existence.


Soplas The Earth position in our solar planetary system (soplas) created the necessary and sufficient condition for Life to emerge. If Earth continue to hold the same position in soplas, then by ME-UMOC, Life on Earth will always be able to emerge.
Asteroid Belt GravityHowever, if Earth blows up (either by cosmic intervention or by the human one) and transforms itself into another asteroid belt or into massive chunks of masses (say, like the size of the Moon) that is not able to hold enough gravity, then the question of Life, of course, becomes moot.
cycol The cycle of Life (cycol) arguably has the potential of remaining indefinitely on Earth from its embryonal formation to its self-destruction and to emerge anew forming a cycol in perpetuity.


First Foundational Theorem on the Perpetuity of Life
No Mass Extinction will be able to eradicate all Life.


Pockets of Life will always remain after a mass extinction because of the variety of ecological niches (ecolons) that populated the affected habitat. The habitants of those ecolons will have now a unique oportunity to evolve and expand considerably their arena of existence by the void created by the succumbed ecolons.

A prime example of that unique opportunity arose with the
dinosaur extinction, when the mammal evolution exploded abruptly from the nocturnal to the diurnal life --a subject of the next page.


Second Foundational Theorem on the Perpetuity of Life
The cycle of Life travels and evolves on a spiral hierarchical tiered path.
spiral hierarchical


evotier By the 1st Foundational Theorem above, a new cycle of Life (cycol), commencing after a mass extinction, will never starts with a clean slate, as it always will have in it the surviving species. As such, those survivors will constitute the base of the new emerging cycol. Thus, we can talk about the evolutionary tier (evotier) of cycol.
From the available data, we --the human species-- apparently have arisen and evolved out of the 5th
mass extinction (massex). Now, as a result of our massive overpopulation and dominance that accelerated exponentially the pilferage of Earth's natural resources, we (as in the case of the dinosaur) have now created the conditions needed for generating a new mass extinction, the 6th one, where we are staging our own self-induced extinction.


With this rather norrow blueprint presented herein on Life's evolutionary trends, we move on to expand and cover some other related topics of Evolutionary Biology.


Biology cannot breathe without Evolution as Religion cannot breathe without God...
Bratu Klim, webmasterBratu Klim, webmaster

Kalman Klim Brattman